Incident at a store

After going on and on for a few times both Shun and Rumi decided to just sleep as they felt that the session got way too intense for their first time. Though none of them complained and Rumi was excited from the beginning to the end. Shun too was very satisfied and came to know of a new found bliss.


The next morning lying close to each other, Shun who was being used as a body pillow by Rumi heard a noise and slowly woke up.

" ringing?" said Shun as he yawn and scratched his back.

He then looked down and saw Rumi sleeping peacefully while holding one of his hands.

'... Maybe should let her sleep for a bit longer.' thought Shun as he looked around the room to find his phone and soon noticed his pants lying on the ground.

Using customize create to bring the phone in his hand Shun looked at it and saw who was the one calling him.

Picking it up, Shun placed the phone near his ear and answered.

"Hello...good morning grandma.....I am at Rumi's house right now. She had a day off yesterday so we decided to hang out.....Yeah I spent the night at her place.....Yes she attacked me out of nowhere, but don't worry none of us was injured.... Evening, huh... alright. Any info about the school reopening?.... Alright bye." said Shun and cut off the call.

As Shun put down his phone he sighed and then looked towards his side only to find the rabbit girl looking at him with still a bit of sleepiness in her eyes.

"Sorry for waking you up." said Shun.

But Rumi just closed her eyes and said, "...You sure are not shy to hide that you stayed at a girl's place for the whole night to that ha-... grandmother of yours. Most of the guys your age would probably freak out when taking to others about staying at a girl's place after doing the deed."

"I am not that bound by grandpa and grandma and they both know that I can take care of myself and how responsible of a person I am. Besides they still don't know that we are currently dating." said Shun with a shrug and then got up from the bed.



"My hand..." said Shun as he looked at his hand which was still being held by Rumi.

"Oh sure sure." said Rumi as she let go of Shun's hand and then watched him leave the room.


Going downstairs Shun entered the bath but soon heard some commotion from outside.

Rumi suddenly barged into the bathroom and said, "Asshole because of you I am late." and then entered the shower as well.

"Don't blame you were the one who tempted me." said Shun as he moved a bit to let the rabbit girl get under the shower as well.



Neither of them said anything after that and just focused on cleaning themselves as they knew that Rumi was already very late for her hero work.

"You are not feeling uncomfortable somewhere right?" asked Shun.

"Just a slight back pain and sore legs, nothing much to. other about." said Rumi.

"...You are getting hard down there."

"You fault. And hurry up you are getting late." said Shun as he stepped back from the shower and left the bathroom.

With a towel wrapped around his waist Shin got out and then headed towards the bed room to clean up the mess and get his clothes.

Cleaning the room and his clothes with customize create Shun got out of the room and then went downstairs and found Rumi coming out of the bathroom.

"Dress up I will get your toast ready." said Shun as he went towards the kitchen.

Done with the dressing up and breakfast Shun and Rumi got out of the house as Rumi locked the door.

"Alright good luck. And call me if you get into some shit." said Shun as he looked at Rumi with a smile.

"Hmph, like I will need help in kicking some villain ass." said Rumi.

"Oh and take these." said Shun as he handed a small bottle.

"What are these?" asked Rumi as she looked at the bottle with a confused look on her face.

"Pills to-"

"Alright understood. No need tell me...But when did you get these?"

"Got them while you were having your breakfast. My quirk is real handy and whenever you need to get something of this kind make sure to tell me about it. If someone recognises you while you are making a purchase it will only trouble you. I will get them whenever you need." said Shun with a serious look on his face.

"Alright. That's one job off my shoulders." said Rumi and then asked about the dosage from Shun.

After he was done explaining Rumi left for her job as Shun just stayed behind and waited for her to get away.

After he made sure that he was gone Shun used his quirk to teleport somewhere.


Suddenly appearing inside a washroom Shun looked press the flush and then came out of the washroom after washing his hands.

"Is the police still not here?" asked Shun as he looked at a group of people who was dressed in some kind uniform.

Hearing his question the group of people started panicking as one of them came forward and said, "S-Sir, p-please l-let us compensate you for the troubles. How abo-"

"Seems like the police is still not here. So I need to wait a bit longer." said Shun with a smile making the person grit his teeth.

Shun then looked at someone who was wearing a similar uniform as the other people which meant that he was an employee there as well. Though the thing that differed him from the others was the fact that the man looked slightly beaten up and was burried under the floor with only his head sticking out.

"You really should take part timers after confirming their quirks." said Shun as he looked at the other uniformed people.

Shun then looked at the person who was buried in the ground and asked, "So are you going to let her out of your control, now?" and then glanced at a girl who was sitting on a chair with a lifeless look in her eyes.

The man who was asked the question glared at Shun only to receive a glare back from him which immediately made him squeak from fear.

"I-I-Its done." said the man as he started sweating.


Just as he said that the girl who was sitting on the chair lost her balance and fell down on the ground.

Seeing that the other workers panicked but Shun seeing that Shun was moving towards the girl none of them moved as they saw Shun placing her back on the chair.

He then noticed the phone which was fallen on the ground and looked back at the girl.

Unlocking it by using the girl's fingerprint Shun opened her contacts and after looking through it once he called someone.


After talking to the person who Shun presumed to be either the girl's boyfriend Shun looked back at the man and said, "You sure have some guts to hypnotize someone in broad dare try that on me again."

Shun who suddenly felt that the mind control was being used on him glared at the man who was buried and went close to him.

Seeing that he was yet again unable to control the man who caught him while he was trying to control the girl and was beaten badly by him, the hypnotism quirk user tried to apologize only to see the man stopping in front of him.

"Try that once again and I willl bury you completely." said Shun in. a cold tone making the beaten up man gulp his saliva.

Going back and looking at the other worried employees Shun just sighed and told them not to worry much and just follow the police's instructions and they would be fine.

Shun was mostly sure that a man as suspicious looking as the one whom he caught, must have used his quirk to get a job at the store as well.

'...Still to target a girl who most certainly is a high schooler, in broad daylight at that....he sure is not worried about getting caught.....I am glad that I keep metal strengthening upgrades on my clothes.' thought Shun as he suddenly felt the girl who was sitting on the chair moving slightly.

Patting her shoulders Shun woke the girl up who started looking around curiously.

After Shun was done explaining what all happened to her the girl looked at the buried man with murderous look on her face.

"Don't look in his eyes.He uses his eyes to hypnotize others."

"Is that so....thank you." said the girl as she looked away from the man.

After a while the girl calmed down and looked at Shun.

"A-Ah um...thank you for your help. I am Nagisa, Nagisa Kashiwagi. I am very grateful for your help." said the girl who had short dark brown hair.

Shun nodded and said, "It's fine. I too came to know that this store is not that safe." 'I am glad that guy didn't met Rumi before. This medical store is the one she uses in case of emergency afterall. I should tell her only to visit the store where that grandma works.' thought Shun.

"Still thank you umm..."

"Ah I am Shun Kazami. You can call me Shun if you are not uncomfortable with it." said Shun.

"Hmm.... Kazami-san thanks a lot." said the girl as she bowed once again.

Suddenly out of nowhere a car stopped in front of the store and a man with brown hair came rushing in with a worried look on his face.

"Nagisa!!!" yelled the man as he started looking around the store.

"Tsubasa?" said the girl as she looked at the boy was th surprise.

Hearing his name called out the boy looked towards the girl and rushed towards him and hugged her tightly.

After that he started asking her if she was fine or not and then started being all lovey dovey with her.

Seeing that most of the people in the store blushed a bit while some of the people(mostly men) were glaring at the couple.

'Well looks like they get along well to be this intimate in public.' thought Shun as he just moved back to give the couple some space.