Misunderstanding on the train

Shun waited for a while but seeing that the couple was not going to stop anytime soon, he decided to interrupt their lovey dovey moment and brought them back to reality.

After talking and explaining the situation to the boy who introduced himself as Tsubasa Tanuma, Shun found out that the two of them were likely the children of some big shots and asked him to let them handle the matter on their own.

Shun just looked at the beaten up hypnotism quirk user and wrapped a cloth around his eyes and blind folded him.

"Don't take the blind fold off his eyes. And don't look in his eyes as well. He will hypnotize you." warned Shun as he looked at the other shop workers.

"Have you called the police? Why are they still not here?" asked Shun.

"I have called them just in case. So don't worry." said Tsubasa as he informed Shun.

"You can go if you want Kazami-san. I will deal with it." offered Tsubasa but Shun shook his head and said, "I need to stay here to take that bastard out of the ground when the police comes, or can you prevent him from escaping if I take him out now and go back?"

"Hmm....we can make sure of that, but let's just be on the safer side." said Tsubasa hearing which Shun just shrugged his shoulders and waited for the police to come.

After a while the police did come and they came to know that they didn't recieve a call from the workers making them fall under suspicion and interrogation as well.

Not that it mattered to Shun as he just did his job of handing over the the he beaten up and then left, without informing the couple who were busy making out in a corner once the situation was over.


Later in the evening Chiyo came home and with a smile on her face gave a news to Shun.

"Guess what. UA will be back in working mode from tomorrow."

Shun immediately frowned after hearing the news and said, "F*ck."

"Mind your language!" scolded Chiyo as she bonked him with her injection cane.

"Ow....you hit me so hard that I don't think that I can go to school tomorrow." said Shun.

"Is that so....did you forget who your grandma is?" said Chiyo with as she walked closer to him and used her quirk to heal him.

"There there, you are fine now, right?" asked Chiyo as she patted Shun's head.

"You...I hate you.." said Shun as he sighed.

"Love you too." said Chiyo with a smile seeing which Shun smiled as well and then had dinner along with her.


The next morning Shun left his house along with the Shirogane siblings while sharing a ride with Miyuki on his bicycle till the station.

"Um Shun.....can you help me with some stuff later today?" asked Miyuki with a hesitant look on his face.

"Hmm....it depends on what the thing you need my help with, but sure no problem....and what will be my compensation?" said Shun.

"Tch, stingy. Anyways it is fine it is not something hard, I guess. I will treat you some ramen after school, is that fine?" said Miyuki as he moved his hand forward.

"Deal." said Shun with a smirk and shook Miyuki's hand.

After having a bit more small talk Shun got inside the station and waited for the train he usually took.

Seeing that the train finally arrived Shun got in and spotted Itsuka looking at him with a smile and waving her hand.

"Good morning." greeted Itsuka.

"What's good about it. School reopened today, you know." said Shun as he gave a sigh and sat beside Itsuka.

Itsuka chuckled and said, "Well you get to meet me this early in the morning. Is it not enough to call it good?"

"Hmm well it's not bad, I guess." replied Shun earning himself a light punch on his shoulder.

"Oh my, such strength~" said Shun with a playful tone making Itsuka laugh at how he spoke.

"Stay being like that and no one will remain friends with you." said Itsuka.

"Hmm well even if that happens I can say that you will still be there, right? Struggling with this loner me." said Shun as he looked at Itsuka.

"Well somebody's got to take care of you. You better be grateful to me." said Itsuka.

"Well, I am glad that I will have someone like you taking care of me." said Shun with a small smile on his face.

Itsuka stared at Shun for a while but soon averted her eyes with a slight blush on her cheeks.

'Those words with a look like that is just foul play...' thought Itsuka.

"Well just don't push useless responsibilities like you do from time to time and we are good." said Shun making Itsuka looked at him with a hurt look on her face.

"So that's how you treat my acts of kindness? It just broke my heart. Looks like I need to make you take the responsibility for it." said Itsuka as she pretended to look hurt.

"Well if it's like that then I don't mind taking responsibility for you. Careful there." said Shun as he saw another passenger moving in front of them whose bag was about to hit Itsuka's face.

He moved his hand forward and pulled Itsuka avoiding her face to to be struck by the bag.

"Oh, sorry." apologized the passenger as he noticed what Shun did and walked away.

"It's fine." replied Shun as he looked at the man who took a seat as well.

Shun then looked down and saw Itsuka who was looking intently at him and asked, "Were you surprised?"

"...Yes." said Itsuka.


"Don't be... I felt happy because of that." said Itsuka.

"...Well, I just stopped the bag from hitting you it's not that big of a deal." said Shun

"...Huh?" said Itsuka with a confused look on her face.

Soon realising that she misunderstood Shun's words, she blushed from embarrasment and said, "Ah, yeah yeah thanks for that."

"It's fine don't worry." said Shun as he looked in front and said, "Our stop's next let's get ready." said Shun as he turned towards Itsuka only to find the ginger head covering her face with both her hands.

'I WAS GOING TO CONFESS JUST NOW!!!!' mentally screamed Itsuka as she looked at Shun with anger only to fine him looking at her with a worried look on his face.

"Argh- this bastard!!" said Itsuka as she easily forgot her anger after seeing him