Shun v/s Itsuka

Currently standing inside the combat area of the stage both Shun and Itsuka stood in front of each other.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!! The 2nd match for the quarter-finals is about to begin. On one side we have the cool kid from 1-A who has maintained his position at the top from the 1st event. Shun Kazami!!!"

Hearing Present Mic's introduction the audience erupted in cheer.

"And facing him is the cool-looking lady hero the entitled " Big sister" of class 1-B. Itsuka Kendo!!!"

And once again the audience yelled after hearing her present Mic's introduction.

Seeing that the introductions were over Midnight came forward and raised her whip.

"Are both of you ready?" asked Midnight and seeing the two students giving a nod to her question she nodded as well.

"The let the match begin!"

Hearing the declaration both Shun and Itsuka got into their stance and glared at each other.

But soon a smirk appeared on Shun's face as he just provoked Itsuka with a hand gesture.

Seeing Shun 'inviting' her Itsuka smirked as well and dashed towards him.

"Don't get ahead of yourself!" said Itsuka as her right fist got bigger and she punched Shun with full force.

Shun just raised his hand which was covered in his quirk, though he didn't use too much to give Itsuka a fair shot.

Sliding back because of the force behind the punch Shun just smiled and said, "Was that all?"

"Not by a long shot," said Itsuka with a smile of her own and went towards Shun with the intention of not giving Shun any opening to exploit.

Shun just looked at the ginger-head coming at him with a serious look on her face.

'She is really trying to beat me in this match....*sigh* let's give her some time to show how much she has grown.' though Shun as he just focused on defense.

Itsuka noticed that Shun was still on the defense and had no intention to counter-attack got a bit annoyed at him even though she said that she had no problem with him holding back against her.


Shouting as if giving a war cry, Itsuka made her hand almost the same size as her body and smacked at Shun's side with full force.

Shun who saw the incoming giant slap decided to play for a bit and jumped on top of her hand and balanced his body up there.

"...Hello there," said Shun while he stood on top of her hand.

Snapping out of the sudden move Itsuka made her hand back to its original size making Shun lose his balance and fall.

'Now!' thought Itsuka as she decide to use this chance to send him flying outside using her other hand and used an enlarged slap attack.

But once again she was not able to send Shun flying and looked at her enlarged hand to which Shun was clinging.

"Look at that you have me in the palm of your hand," said Shun jokingly only to have Itsuka grip him in between her hand.

But Shum acted faster as he immediately let go of her hand and decked under her now formed fist.

"Well, that's all the patience I had. Now let's start," said Shun in a calm tone as some energy gathered in front of his fist and he punched Itsuka's gut sending her flying backward.


The booming sound caused by his energy punch caused the audience and even Midnight to wince a bit. Some even thought that Shun went a bit too far.

But Shun didn't feel much from that, he had punched Rumi way harder than he just did and he knew that Itsuka was capable of handling that much power.

And just as he expected Itsuka, who slid down a considerable distance, finally stopped and looked at Shun with an excited look on her face.

"Still wanna continue?" asked Shun.

Itsuka responded to his question with an excited grin and a dash towards him making Shun sigh as he pulled his fist back and waited for the ginger-head to come near him.

And just as she got in the range Shin took a step back making Itsuka, who was about to cancel most of the force of Shun's attack by stopping him midway, click her tongue in annoyance.

Shun immediately followed with a powerful uppercut which Itsuka tried to block using her giant hands as a shield, but still got sent in the air.

Shun then pulled his fist back once again and looked back ad Itsuka who was still in the air.

"Make sure to block this one," said Shun clear enough for Itsuka to hear.

Hearing his words the girl who was falling gulped her saliva and enlarged both her fist to the maximum and tried to block the incoming attack.

'10% should be enough...' thought Shun as he looked at Itsuka for one last time and thought, 'Well let's hope for the best.'

Punching the giant palm Shun felt the ground below his feet crack up a bit and then saw Itsuka sent flying back, though this time she was flying through the air so there was no resistance stopping her this time.

'Shit!!' thought Shun as he noticed that the moment he punched the ginger-head, she caught his hand as well, and now both of them were in the air.

Shun who noticed the smirk on Itsuka's face smiled and fired a blast of kinetic energy to slow down the speed at which they were flying and soon both of them stopped and landed on the ground, although Itsuka stumbled quite a bit to regain her balance and in the end, Shun was the one who held her hand and prevents her from falling.

"Good job Itsuka. That was clever," said Shun.

Hearing that Itsuka was about to say something but just as she was about to open her mouth Midnight interrupted her.

"Itsuka Kendo out of bounds! Winner Shun Kazami!!!"

Hearing the verdict the whole stadium even Itsuka were quite shocked for a bit but then Itsuka looked down and saw that she was indeed out of bounds while Shun was holding her hand.

Soon the crowd broke out in a loud cheer as Itsuka who was finally able to understand what happens just now sighed and looked at the black-haired boy in front of him.

"Looks like you won."

"Yup, now get back up," said Shun and pulled Itsuka up and made her stand straight.

But as soon as she stood on her own her legs started stumbling making her fall towards Shun who caught her.

"Sorry, my legs gave out." apologized Itsuka but then she realized that she was currently in Shun's embrace and in front of so many people at that.

Her face started to heat up as realization hit her and even the remaining strength in her body faded in an instant making her lean even more on Shun.

Shun who got worried about her immediately held her body and thought, 'Was that last attack too much for her? No time for that gotta take her to grandma.'

Not even waiting for the helper robots to come with a stretcher and get Itsuka away Shun put the girl on his shoulder and rushed to the infirmary.

In the stands where the students were sitting Monoma sighed and thought, 'In a way it was Kendo's win' and just shrugged his shoulders.