Before the Semi-Finals

Shun who was rushing towards the infirmary with Itsuka on his shoulders looked around and noticed that no one was around him.

"Shun put me down....I am feeling as if I am going to throw up if I were to be in this position even for a moment," said Itsuka.

Hearing her complain Shun lightly placed her down and let her lean against the wall.

He then looked at her for a bit and saw that she was taking deep breaths.

"Are you really alright? And one of your buttons is missing," said Shun as Itsuka immediately looked towards her chest and noticed that her cleavage along with the outline of her bra was clearly visible."

Immediately covering her chest she glared at Shun and muttered, "Pervert Shun"

"...Seems like you are alright," said Shun as he used his customize create to find her grandma and soon teleported along with Itsuka.

"Wah-! What the hell are you doing?!" yelled Chiyo as she got surprised by the sudden appearance of two people behind her.

"Language little lady," said Shun as he reprimanded Chiyo as she immediately hit him with her infection staff.

"Who are you calling a little lady?!" replied Chiyo with an angry tone.

"Anyways, I just had my battle with Itsuka and I guess I got a bit loose during the fight. So can you just give her a check-up?" said Shun as he ignored her earlier question.

Hearing her grandson's words Chiyo got back to her doctor mode as she looked towards the ginger-head who was leaning against Shun.

"Hello, Chiyo-san. Sorry for the trouble."

"Get her on the bed," ordered Chiyo as Shun just followed and princess carried Itsuka making her yelp in surprise.

He then put her on the bed and then fetched a stool for Chiyo making the short granny groan at him.

"Now get out of here!" yelled Chiyo

Shun who understood that her grandma didn't take his joke calmly, soon got out of the room.

Seeing that the boy was finally out of the room Chiyo focused back on the girl in front of her and asked her if she was feeling uncomfortable somewhere.

After making sure that there were no injuries she just used her quirk on the girl who soon fell asleep because of the exhaustion from the sports festival and the energy used to get healed up soon by Chiyo's quirk.

"Is she alright?" asked Shun as he peeked inside the room.

"Yeah, she is fine."

Hearing that Shun entered the room and saw Itsuka sleeping peacefully and smiled as well.

He then took out a bottle of tea and some snacks and gave them to Chiyo.

"Here, I guess you haven't eaten anything since morning, right?"

Chiyo sat down on her chair as Shun placed the things that he brought for her on the desk.

"I was busy."

"Busy or not you have to eat. I know it must be hectic today but still..."

"Ma~Ma~ calm down," said Chiyo as she opened up a packet and tore it open. She then started eating while and drinking the tea and snacks that Shun brought for her.

She then noticed her grandson walk towards Itsuka as he smile and placed a bag that had some more snacks though this time, it had the ones that Itsuka liked.

He then looked at Chiyo for one last time before he walked out of the infirmary.

"Fu~ Kids these days grow up too fast," muttered Chiyo as she sipped on some tea.


Walking on his way back Shun decided to make a trip to the washroom before the next match started, which should be soon since he took his sweet time to go and get some snacks for Itsuka and Chiyo.

As soon as he reached the washroom, he noticed a few people come out of there with panicked looks on their faces.

Seeing that, he got alerted and moved towards the washroom with a small lump of aura gathered in his hands. But all his worries faded away as he peeked inside and saw a tall muscled-up man wearing a blue-colored hero costume and covered in flames.

'So it was just Endeavour, huh.' thought Shun as he sighed and walked in as well.

Endeavor who noticed someone enter the washroom glanced at Shun and was surprised to see that it was the kid from the sports festival who was currently at the top.

"...Stop staring. You are creeping me out," said Shun as he glared back at the man who had a flaming mustache.

Endeavor looked away from Shun as both of them focused on doing their thing when suddenly Endeavour said, "Aren't you the kid from the first year who is not able to use his quirk as effectively as you did in the first two rounds?" and smirked as he tried to mock Shun.

"And aren't you the guy who just orgasmed in front of all the audience while calling out your son's name?" asked Shun as he looked back at the no.2 hero.

Both of them glared at each other as they soon moved a bit and zipped their pants.

"I watched your fight, but it looks like you are not able to bring out that much output as you did in the first two rounds...I guess that it is your quirk's limit of some sort..." said Endeavour.

'Good, that's the kind of image that I want to print on the minds of others. Looks like it was good to hold back against Aoyama and Itsuka.' thought Shun.

"Anyway, your fighting ability is quite good for someone your age. But I will tell you this, it is my Shoto's duty to surpass All Might, and your match with him will just be a sort of test for him."

"Hmm, great." was all that Shun said as he closed the tap and dried his hands with his quirk.

"Well, see you later."

Seeing that Shun was totally carefree till the end of their conversation made Endeavour frown at him but he remained silent as he saw Shun walk out of the washroom.

'Well seeing that my next fight is with Shoto, I guess I can show off a bit....Nah, only if it's necessary.' thought Shun as he soon reached the place where his classmates were sitting.