Talk with All Might

After the classes were finished for the day, Shun headed to the room All Might asked him to come to.

After getting the confirmation to enter Shun opened the door and saw the deflated All Might and Midoriya in there.

"He is here too....meaning OFA-related talk," said Shun as he closed the door and used customized create to check for any recording devices and soundproofed the room.

"So what is it?" asked Shun as he took a seat as well.

All Might nodded and then started to tell the tale of AFO and OFA origin and how he thought that he defeated AFO and the possibility of AFO still being alive and leading the League of Villains.

"I am sorry you both. You might have to face him because I wasn't able to finish him off," said All Might.

"...I will do my best and fight by your side," said Midoriya with a confident look on his face.

Shum didn't say anything and just stared at All Might.

All Might looked as if he ate a bitter bug but still smiled and said, "....Thank you Midoriya-shounen."

Midoriya nodded with a smile as well and then asked a few more questions before All Might told them that they can go back.

"Izuku, you go ahead. I need to talk with him in private," said Shun as he grabbed All Might's shoulder and pulled him back into the room.

Midoriya looked at the two of them with curiosity but decided to follow Shun's instructions since he didn't want to be on his bad side.

Once Midoriya was gone Shun speaker the door using customize create and then looked at All Might.

"So, what did you not say before?" asked Shun in a neutral tone.

"What are you talking about Shun-shounen?" said All Might trying to feign ignorance.

"You know exactly what I mean. Uncle Toshi, Izuku might not notice it, but I am different. I have known you for a while now and I know when you are lying or not telling the full truth, so you better confess." said Shun.

"*Sigh*You were always perceptive Shun-shounen. The truth is I don't have much time left as a hero. My quirk is slowly running out after I transferred it to Midoriya-shounen. I might not be there to fight against All For One when you guys will fight him." said All Might.

"...That's troublesome...I need to prepare more things for your self-defense if you are going to be in the scrawny form all the time," said Shun.

"...Is that all you are worried about? I might not be able to assist you during the fight against All For One, you know. Did you not get it?"

"So? Has there ever been a fight where I asked for your help? I can crush most of my problems on my own. I don't need help from someone who is on a 3-4 hr timer daily. You should also not think much about it. Rather think about all the villains that will come after your head knowing that you will be far weaker." said Shun not thinking much.

"He is not the kind of opponent you have faced yet Shun-shounen. He is very strong, cruel, and difficult to deal with." said All Might in a serious tone.

"The words that you just used to describe him can be used for me as well. Not to mention he hasn't faced me yet."

"Oi! I am serious Shun-shounen."

"No, you are All Might not serious."

"...Stop joking Shun-shounen and take things seriously."

"I am serious Uncle Toshi. Don't worry about this AFO or whatever might come for us in the future. That's not your responsibility. I know that you are strong and have a sense of justice greater than anyone. But to me, all that doesn't matter. What I care about is that you are fine and healthy. Not some lowlife supervillain capable of terrorizing anyone and the destruction he causes." said Shun.

"...Although I feel happy I don't know how to react when you say you don't know how to react to the fact that you are an aspiring hero and have such a mentality." said All Might as he sighed.

"I have my priorities Uncle Toshi, and though I am at the top of my priority list, the people I care about are close to the top as well."

"Just out of curiosity what is the priority of the safety of people and heroics work?" asked All Might.

"Pretty low, doesn't matter much to me. I will do my hero work the best I can for the time being I am a hero, but if it gets annoying I will simply quit and let the world deal with its problems unless it concerns me as well," said Shun.

All Might gave a tired sigh. He expected this answer from Shun, he was glad that Shun was a perfectionist and always wanted to do his best at whatever thing he is doing no matter whether he found it annoying or not, but he wanted Shun to care more about heroics work considering how gifted he was at that.

"Also, don't worry much about this league of villains and AFO...If my hunch is true then I am kind of directly involved in this. I will deal with them when they show up...or I find them." said Shun with a serious tone.

"...That shadowy guy and your father, huh."

"Yeah, and you think that AFO is still alive and knowing how big of an AFO fanatic was that bastard... there must be some sort of connection."

"Shun-shounen....what are you planning to deal with all this?" asked All Might.

"...I will kill All Might. If I found even a trace of him that's alive. I will kill. If someone interferes in that I will kill that someone too. So remember it." said Shun as he warned All Might before he started to get some ideas.

"...*Sigh* I really want you to not become a mindless killer Shun-shounen. Heroes are there to protect not kill."

"And that's why I never thought of myself as a hero. And please don't start with hero morals. We both know how much upper-rank heroes kill superstrong villains that could cause a problem in the future and could not be captured."

"...I always wished you were not so well aware of the dark side of the hero society."

"Unfortunately for the world, I am."

"That's true... Shun-shounen, thank you for caring about this old man. I don't know whether I would be able to fight along with you in the upcoming battles, but always remember that till the time that I have my powers and even after that. I will protect you." said All Might with a serious look on his face.

"...thanks," said Shun as he smiled at the scrawny blond man who was smiling back at him.

"Alright now go back, also don't forget you have exams the next week. Study and train properly." said All Might as Shun nodded and took his leave.