You sunuva-

The next day at school the bell for the first class just rang and Aizawa entered the class.

After making sure that everyone was seated he stood at the podium and started speaking.

"Well, it's almost time for summer vacation, but of course, it wouldn't make sense for you to rest for the whole month," said Aizawa as the whole class including Shun got tensed.

"During the summer vacation, we'll have a training camp in the woods!" said Aizawa, and immediately most of the students cheered.

Shun raised his hand to ask a doubt.

Aizawa looked at it and said, "No, you cannot. It is mandatory to attend," said Aizawa before Shun could even ask.

'...He is getting used to me.' thought Shun as he lowered his hand.

The students started discussing what they can do at the camp.

Seeing the commotion Aizawa used his quirk and his hair stood up and his eyes glowed which are the students settle down immediately.

"However, those who do not pass the final exam before that...will be in summer school hell," warned Aizawa and he started teaching.

Aizawa's class got over and he started collecting his documents.

"Okay, that's it for class. There's only a week left until the final exams. You all are studying properly, right? I'm sure you all already know but it won't just be a written exam. There's also a practical component. Make sure you train your minds and bodies at the same time"

After giving his advice Aizawa left the classroom and the students immediately broke out in panic.

"I HAVEN'T STUDIED AT ALL!!!" yelled Kaminari and Mina.

Mina was laughing out loud while Kaminari was having a mental breakdown.

"With the sports festival and internship, I didn't study at all!" said Kaminari.

"We indeed had one event after another, but..." said Tokoyami.

"Exams are fine, the real issue is the summer camp. Why the hell is it mandatory?!" complained Shun as his classmates looked at him with a deadpan look on thief faces.

"Heh, gods won't understand the worries of us mortals," said Kaminari.

"Well, he did get the 1st place in the last exam so what can we say, class prez has different worries compared to us," said Kirishima.

"Huh, just cram everything. We all have a whole week for the exam," said Shun as he looked at Kirishima and Kaminari.

"What do you mean we have a whole week? Say we only have a week!! It's not enough!" said Kaminari and Mina in unison.

Shun smiled at the two of them and said, "Do your best. Since you all made me your class prez, it is my responsibility to make sure that you all are on your path to a bright future. In the unfortunate circumstances that you fail, I am going to ask Aizawa-sensei to have nice and loooooooong study sessions during the vacations."

Lightning struck in the background as they heard what Shun said. They knew Shun had a slight resentment toward them for making him the class prez but they thought that he forgave them for that.

" are joking right?" asked Kaminari with some hope to which Shun responded with a 'smile' on his face.

And immediately kaminari's hopes shattered into a million pieces as a new problem just surfaced in his life.

"You two, I may be able to be of assistance with the class lectures," said Yaoyorozu.

"Yao-momo!!!" and immediately Kaminari and Mina cheered in happiness.

"No need to spare mercy to them Momo. Let them suffer," said Shun as he turned back and looked at the vice president of the class.

"Oi! Your real thoughts are coming out!!" said Kaminari.

Soon other students gathered near her table asking to help them as well.

Shun just ignored them and started talking with Bakugo.

"So Katsuki, how is your prep?" asked Shun.

"Huh? I'll be fine! I'm gonna beat you in this exam so badly that you will die of embarrassment!" said Bakugo.

"Good Luck with that. Anyway, are we still on for the after-school detour?" asked Shun.

"Huh?! Of course, we are! It's your turn to treat me this time!" said Bakugo.

"Alright, but wait for me after school. I have an errand and after that-"

"Wait! I change my mind! Do it after exams! I'm gonna go home and study to beat you in the exams!" said Bakugo.

"Hm, Ok. Fine by me," said Shun not minding much.

Soon their next class started and the discussion about the exams died down. The rest of the day went on as usual without any unusual development.


A week passed by with Shun and the rest of the UA students busy preparing for their exams. Though Shun still didn't hear any news from Rumi and now Shun started to worry about her. He knew that she was alive since he used he had placed a tracker on her and then used customize create to check on her, so he didn't just teleport to her location, but still it was getting too troublesome.

During the week he spent some time with Nejire though not much since she too had to study for her exams. So, because of all this much of his free time was spent with Eri who was more than happy and excited to spend time with him.

Though that too was short-lived happiness for her as Chiyo came in the middle of the week and asked her to stay with her for a while since Shum had his exams.

Though reluctant she agreed so that Shum can prepare seriously also Shun promised to take her to an amusement park after the exams so there was that.


Three more days passed as their written exams were over much to the relief of the majority of the UA students and now what was left was the final exam.

Currently, in front of a Practical Exam area class 1-A was standing in their hero suits while they faced some of the hero course teachers.

"Now, we will begin the practical exam. Of course, it is possible to fail this exam. If you want to go to the training camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes." said Aizawa.

"...There are too many teachers here...I think I am not gonna like the exam procedure too much," muttered Shun.

"I expect that you all have gathered information ahead of time and have some idea of what you will be doing," said Aizawa as some students nodded while others outright cheered about fighting robots.

Shun nodded as well, he had asked Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki beforehand about the exam and he knew that they just need to trash some robots to win.

"Too bad! For various reasons, the exam will be different starting this time," said Nezu as he came out of Aizawa's scarf.



"From now on, we want to focus on person-to-person combat and hero work, and stress teaching that is closer to actual fighting. So... We'll have you form teams to fight against one teacher!" declared Nezu as he pointed at the students.

"Against... The teachers?" said Uraraka in disbelief as the rest of the students were just as shocked. Shun on the other hand just raised his hand to ask a doubt.

"Yes, Shun?" asked Nezu.

"Can we pick our teams and opponents, I don't worry about the team. Give me Aizawa-sensei. I finally have a legal way to punch him in the face." said Shun as all the students and teachers looked at him with deadpan looks on their faces before they looked at Aizawa.

"Hahaha!! Your student wants to beat you!!! That's funny!!!" said Present Mic with a laugh.

"Ahem, Unfortunately, the teams and the opponents are already decided. These were determined at my discretion based on various factors, including fighting style, grades, and interpersonal relationships, so here they are:" said Aizawa as he just ignored present Mic.

"First, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu are on one team, and they're fighting me," said Aizawa as he tightened the cloth that he used as a weapon.

"Tch, you guys are lucky," said Shun as he looked at Momo and Todoroki with envy.

The others ignored him since there was an even more serious event going on and Aizawa continued.

"Midoriya and Bakugo are a team, and their opponent..." said Aizawa making the two boys look at each other in shock.

All Might suddenly appeared from the sky and landed in front of them.

"I...will do it!" said All Might.

" couldn't just stand here with the rest of the faculty. You had to make an entrance, huh," said Shun as he looked at All Might.

".... Work together to beat me, you two!" said All Might as sweat dropped, and ignored Shun's comment.

"And now, we'll announce the teams and the teachers they'll be up against at once!" said Nezu as he noticed that most of the focus was now on All Might.


1st Match: Cementoss vs Sato & Kirishima

2nd Match: Ectoplasm vs Asui, Sero & Tokoyami

3rd Match: Power Loader vs Iida & Ojiro

4th Match: Eraser Head vs Yaoyorozu & Todoroki

5th Match: Thirteen vs Uraraka & Aoyama

6th Match: Nezu vs Ashido & Kaminari

7th Match: Present Mic vs Koda & Jiro

8th Match: Snipe vs Shoji & Hagakure

9th Match: All Might vs Midoriya & Bakugo

10th Match: Cementoss, Ectoplasm & Midnight vs Kazami


"....You sunuva-"

"Language Shun-shounen," said All Might before Shun could finish.

"F*ck Language. How the hell is this fair?!" asked Shun.

"Who said we will make it fair?" asked Aizawa with a shit-eating grin.

"...Formal protest," asked Shun.

"Denied," said Aizawa.

"Informal protest"


Shun and Aizawa continued to stare at each other with the grin not leaving Aizawa's face.

"...You come into the mix as well then. I really wanna punch you in the face."

"Cannot do that, the exam locations are set in favor of the teachers so there is that. Plus, I want to be on the audience's side when you get bullied by three teachers," said Aizawa.

"...How the hell can you call yourself a sensei," asked Shun.

"I don't, you all call me a sensei," said Aizawa as the two continued their staredown contest.

"Alright, alright cut it out you two," said Nezu.

"You all might say that this exam is unfair, but we are not here to check for fairness. We are here to see if you all have improved during your time here at UA or not and have you all ready for the future," said Nezu as he looked at Shun.

Shun sighed seeing that there was no way out of it.

'I didn't want to stand out by beating three pro-hero teachers at once but, oh well, guess there is no helping that.' thought Shun as he backed down.

Seeing that the situation was calm once again, Nezu started speaking.

"The time limit for the exam is thirty minutes! Your objective is either to put these handcuffs on the teacher or to have one of you escape from the stage!"

"This is like the combat training," said Mina.

"It will be different from the combat training! You'll be up against someone waaaaaay better than you!" said Present Mic.

"Better.....than us? I can't imagine it though...." said Jiro

Present Mic who was up against her got annoyed and started yelling at her.

This time, your exam will be very similar to a real battle. Please think of us as villains." said Thirteen.

"Assuming you come across the enemy if you think you can win a fight against them, then that's fine. However-"

"In cases where there's too big a difference in your abilities, it would be smarter to run away and get help," said Aizawa as he looked at Todoroki, Iida, and Midoriya the group that got caught up with the hero killer.

"That's right! Your decision-making skills are being tested! But with these rules, you're probably thinking the only choice is to run, right? That's why we had the support class make these for us!" said All Might and took out a band with some compressed weights on it.

"It's old-fashioned, but it makes it hard to move and eats up stamina!" said All Might as he wore multiple bands around his arms and legs.

"All right, each team will take the practical exam in order on the prepared stage. Sato, and Kirishima, you both are up."

"Yes sir!"

"Those waiting their turn can watch the exams or think of strategies as a team. Do what you want. That's all." said Aizawa as he along with the rest of the teachers went away, only for him to fall immediately.

Shun saw them leaving and decided to watch the matches of other students and went to the observation room.