Are You My Master?

The ball of light on the screen spun as particles of light appeared around it. Alice already explained the rarity of the Heroes that were available in the game.

The rarity was divided into five categories


White = One star (Common)

Green = Two Star (Elite)

Blue = Three Star (Rare)

Gold = Four Star (Super Rare Hero)

Rainbow Color = Five Star (SSR Champion)


Alice watched the screen beside her with a smile on her face. The ball of light stopped spinning and hovered in the middle of the mobile screen. Its color was...

"Um? What's this?"


"One Star?"


"Can I get a re-roll?" Abbie asked while wiping the imaginary sweat on her forehead. 'What happened to my SSR Rank Luck? How come I only get a One Star?!'

(A/N: Reroll is a gacha term meaning to start from scratch/reset the game to try again.)

"No..." Alice was also disappointed with the results of the gacha draw. Abbie was her one and only candidate and she hoped that she would get a good starter hero. She didn't expect that her first hero draw would be the weakest characters in the game.

'Well, it can't be helped. I guess this is also part of fate,' Alice thought as she patted Abbie's shoulder.

"Although One-Starred heroes are considered as the weakest heroes, the game also allows them to evolve and level up. You just have to do your best and cultivate him properly," Alice said with encouragement. "Now go on. It's time to summon your hero!"

"Um? Didn't I just summon him?" Abbie looked at her mobile screen. All she was seeing was a white ball of light and nothing else.

Usually, when you summon heroes in mobile games, they will automatically appear after a few seconds. However, the ball remained static and hovered in the middle of the screen without any changes.

"You only did the first step." Alice grinned. "Didn't I tell you? You will get a loyal servant who will be with you 24 hours a day, seven days a week."

"Y-You, are you telling me that..." Abbie gulped. "You mean I will summon this hero to the real world?!"

"Yes. Isn't it amazing?"

Abbie stared seriously at Alice. It never crossed her mind that Alice had a mental disorder. Although she was weird, her room was weird, and she acted a little weird, The chubby girl never thought that Alice was a crazy person!

"You think I'm crazy right?"

"As a matter of fact, I do."

"Well, I guess you'll find out whether I am crazy or not when you summon your hero." Alice gave her a challenging look.

"Fine, I'll accompany your craziness this one time." Abbie accepted the challenge in Alice's gaze. "How will I be able to summon my hubby to the real world?"

"Now we're talking!" Alice smiled sweetly and made a gesture for Abbie to imitate her.

"Put a hand on your waist like so. Good, that's it. Then push out the mobile phone in front of you. Great, just like that." Alice nodded with approval. "Now shout. Go! Go! Summons!"

"Go! Go! Summons!" Alice roared.

[Hero Summoning Will Now Commence!]

The white ball of light shot out from the mobile phone and appeared in the center of the room. It started to spin and particles of white light surrounded it. With a burst of radiance it exploded in a shower of sparks.

Abbie and Alice shielded their eyes because the light was too intense for them to look at it directly. They waited for a few seconds to pass and the light finally receded.

Standing in the center of the room was...

"Are you my Master?"

Abbie's lips parted and she was internally screaming, "No Way!" She thought that Alice was just bluffing. The chubby girl never expected that this "game" that she decided to play for fun was more real than she originally thought it would be.

Alice was also in awe. Her face broke out into a wide grin as she gazed at the "Cutie" standing in the middle of her room.

The two women exchanged glances. The corner of Abbie's lips was twitching as she sent a glare at Alice that screamed "What happened to the promised good looking boyfriend? Where's my hubby?! What's this?! A shota? I didn't ask for this!"

Alice lightly coughed as she averted her gaze. She couldn't look at the fuming Abbie beside her. Indeed, what happened to the promised future boyfriend? The one in front of her wasn't hubby material.

She was thinking of proper words to say in order to bullshit her way out of this mess, when the person in the middle of the room spoke anxiously.

"Um, Which one of you is my Master?"

"She is your master." Alice immediately pointed in Abbie's direction. "Chosen Hero, can you please introduce yourself?"

The hero nodded and spoke in a sweet, and soothing voice while looking at his master, Abbie. "My name is Alexander Von Ainsworth. It's a pleasure to meet you, Master."

The hero smiled and looked at Abbie with a yearning expression. Abbie, on the other hand, had a complicated expression on her face. Truth be told, she didn't dislike the hero that appeared in front of her. She was just expecting something more... grown up.

She met the gaze of her hero and nodded her head in acknowledgment.

"My name is Abbie Matthews, nice to meet you Alexander," Abbie introduced herself with a smile. "Can I call you Alex?"

"Un!" Alexander nodded his head. "Call me whatever you like, Master!"

If it were a handsome man in front of her, Abbie would have already hugged the living shit out of him and pinned him down to the floor.

However, she couldn't possibly do that to the person standing before her. Why? Simply because the hero in question was less than four feet tall.

Her chosen hero looked so cute and delicate that she was afraid that he would break if she hugged him to oblivion. Yes, the one standing before Abbie was not a tall and drop gorgeous hunk, but a very cute shota!

The cute boy that seemed to be less than ten years old beamed at Abbie. The chubby girl was fighting the urge to shower him with hugs and kisses, but held herself back.

It was quite unfortunate that Alice didn't have the same willpower as her. She squealed in delight before running towards the boy peppering him with kisses on both cheeks.

"N-No, please don't." Alexander tried to shield his face from Alice's kisses. "A-Alex, Alex only belongs to Master. Only Master can kiss Alex."

"It's fine! I'm your master's helper. We're on the same team!"

Alexander didn't lower his guard. Although Alice said they were on the same team, unless his Master vouched for her, he would not easily believe her words. Even if they were on the same team, he would not allow anyone to randomly kiss him without his master's consent!

"Get your filthy hands off my Alex!" Abbie's pushed the starry eyed Alice away from her little hero. She didn't know the reason why, but she felt uncomfortable seeing Alex being kissed by another woman.

She brushed Alex's hair with her hand and coaxed the little boy until he calmed down.

'I'm not a shotacon, ok? I'm not into little boys.' Abbie repeated these words inside her heart.

Alex had short red hair that was smooth and silky. His sapphire green eyes were so clear and innocent that they drew you in.

Abbie wouldn't admit it, but Alex's angelic smile when he introduced himself made her heart skip a beat. The little hero in her embrace felt so warm that Abbie wasn't able to stop herself from giving him a light squeeze. How could her chosen hero be this cute?!

'Amitabha, I'm not a shotacon. Evil thoughts go away!'