Let’s Swap! 

"Abbie, hand the shota over!"

"Over my dead, sexy, gorgeous, captivating, sensuous, voluptuous body!"

"What part of you is sexy, gorgeous, captivating, sensuous, and voluptuous?" Alice said, mockingly. "Give the cutie to me or else!"

"Or else, what?!" Abbie asked with disdain. "You dare take this cutie from me?"

"Didn't you want a handsome boyfriend?"

"You know what? I changed my mind." Abbie hugged the little boy in her meaty arms. "It would be best if I raise him to become the perfect boyfriend. All I need to do is wait for a few years till he grows up."

"You cradle snatcher!"

"Heh~ if you want to have your own cutie, why don't you summon a hero of your own?"

"I already have one!" Alice took out her personal I-Foam from her pocket. "Go! Go! Summons!"

A dazzling beam of light shot out from Alice's mobile phone. The light transformed into a tall man with blonde hair. His ears were longer than the norm and they were a bit pointy. A small crown made up of a wreath of leaves adorned the sides of his head. His clear light-blue eyes had a fed up expression as he gazed at his master, Alice.

"No way! Legolas?!" Abbie exclaimed. "Oi! How dare you choose him as your hero? Do you want to get mobbed by fans of LOTR?!"

"Swap! Let's swap!" Alice huffed as she looked at Alexander with sparkling eyes. "Didn't you say you want a handsome boyfriend? You can even make him your hubby. He's everything you ever wanted! So, why don't the two of us just swap? It's a win-win for both of us!"

Abbie stared at the Legolas look-alike in front of her. In fact, the elf was more handsome than the one that was shown on film. Abbie unconsciously swallowed her saliva as her gaze scrutinized the elf from the top of his head to the soles of his feet.

She then gazed down at the young boy in his arms. Alex was looking back at her. His sapphire green eyes were a bit moist. Abbie could almost see the tears that were about to fall at their edges. Her heart ached seeing his pained expression. If she were to throw him away, would she still be considered human?

"Sorry, I won't exchange Alex," Abbie said firmly. "Even if you give me a hundred Legolas, I still won't exchange him!"

The elf who was calmly watching from the side gave Abbie a charming smile. His hands were crossed over his chest, but if you were to look closely, he was giving Abbie a thumbs up at an angle that Alice wasn't able to see.

Clearly, he was impressed with her love for her own servant. The elf looked at his master with a frown. He was thinking that if Alice had only half of Abbie's love for her servant then he would be extremely satisfied with their relationship.

Unfortunately, Alice has a passion for cute things. He was good looking, but he was not cute. The elf held back a sigh as he gazed at Alexander in Abbie's arms.

"Congratulations, you have a good master."

"Thank you, Big Brother."

"Alice, if you don't need me anymore, I'm going back to Edea."

Alice harrumphed. "Hmp! Go back! I don't need you!"

"Yes, yes, I'm leaving my lady."

The elf was about to turn back into particles of light when Abbie called out to him.


"Yes? What can I do for you?"

"Can you please tell me your name?"

"Yang Yang. My name is Yang Yang."

"Pffft!" Abbie almost spat blood when he heard his name. She looked at Alice with mild concern. 'Isn't this girl courting death? First, her hero almost resembles Legolas (but he is more handsome than Legolas). Second, the name of her hero is Yang Yang. If a certain majority of fans read this novel, wouldn't the author be massacred on sight?'

(A/N: *cough* This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental! Yes, it is just coincidental!)

"Um, do you have a nickname?" Abbie asked one more time. She refused to call this elf Yang Yang. If she did, she was afraid that her own friends would kill her when they discovered her relationship with this elf.

"Aiden, just call me Aiden."

Phew! Possible real life murder averted.

(A/N: *wipes forehead*)

"Good! From now on I'll call you Aiden," Abbie greeted with a smile. "My name is Abbie Matthews, just call me Abbie!"

"Nice to meet you Abbie," Aiden replied with a smile. "Since we are your supporters, you can count on us anytime you want. I'm looking forward to working with the both of you."

Aiden extended his hands to Abbie and Alex. The two responded and gripped the elf's hands firmly for a handshake.

"I'll be going now, till next time."

""Bye bye!""

Aiden turned into particles of light and shot towards Alice's I-Foam screen. Abbie looked at the process and thought that it was a pretty convenient feature. Wouldn't this mean that she could store Alex inside her phone and take him wherever she went?

'Quite a handy feature! I like!' Abbie smiled and ignored the bloodshot eyes of Alice who was still looking at her Little Cutie Pie.

"Is there something else that you need to tell me? I still have things to do tomorrow so I can't stay late." Abbie frowned when she noticed the time on the wall clock in Alice's room.

Alice rubbed her face with her hands in order to calm down. There were still some things that she needed to explain to Abbie before she allowed her to go home. She was the type of woman who knew how to differentiate between business and pleasure. Alice knew that now was not the time to steal the Little Shota from Abbie's embrace. There would be plenty of opportunities in the future!

"The beta testing phase will officially start a month from now. If you don't have any pressing matters, please don't leave the vicinity of K-City," Alice patiently explained. "Alex can't be separated from you for more than three kilometers. Once he exceeds that distance, he will automatically return to your I-Foam. Take note of this, so that it won't cause any commotion in public!"

"Although we have personnel that will help 'wipe up your dirt for you' it would be best if you will also do your part in order to keep the existence of this game from the common folk."

"I have a question!" Abbie raised her hand like the good student she was. "Does Alex need to eat? Does he get thirsty? Is there something that he needs as nutrients in order to maintain his form in the real world?"

"Good question!" Alice nodded her head in approval. She was very happy that Abbie was thinking of Alex's well being. This meant that she would do her best to take care of the cutie in her arms. "For the most part, Heroes don't need to eat. But, they can consume food just like any normal person."

"Take note that they can also get injured like normal people." Alice's expression became serious. "On rare occasions, they can also die if they are gravely injured. So be sure to take note of this!"

"Die? What happens if they die?" Abbie was now seated on the couch and patted Alexander's head. The shota was seated on her lap and resting his head on her chest. Abbie enveloped her Little Hero in a protective embrace. She would not allow him to die!