Is He Even Human? 

Abbie walked towards her room carrying Alex like a princess. The little boy was so sleepy that he couldn't even walk. Since it was late at night, the hallway was deserted. She was able to make her way to her room without meeting anyone along the way. Which was good because she was physically and mentally exhausted.

Today was a day filled with sadness and unexpected happiness. Abbie felt like she was in a dream. However, the warmth and weight of the shota she was carrying in her arms were being transmitted through her body.

"If this is fate, then Lady Fate is truly a fickle lady," Abbie muttered as she opened the door to her room while carrying the little boy. The moment she entered, a pair of eyes from inside the room locked unto her.

"Abbie?" A pretty girl with long black hair and wearing pink pajamas asked while sitting on her bed. "Is that a boy you're carrying?

Abbie held back a groan. She had forgotten about her roommate, Diana.

"Um, can I do the explanation tomorrow? I'm really tired and Alex needs to sleep," Abbie replied as she gently laid the shota on her bed. She helped him remove his boots and put them at the side of her bed. She then removed her clothes and threw them in the laundry basket. It only took her a minute to pick a one piece nightdress from her closet and put it on.

Without looking at her roommate, she laid down beside Alex. She gave him a light kiss on the forehead before hugging him.

'Alice was right, Alex is the perfect hug pillow,' Abbie mused as she closed her eyes and headed for dreamland.

Diana stood up from her bed and walked over to Abbie's bed. She wanted to see what the little boy looked like.

Alex was snugly enveloped in Abbie's embrace. His lips were slightly parted and Diana was surprised to see how pink his lips were. His red hair was ruffled a bit, but it didn't hide his cuteness. Diana wanted to poke the boy's cheeks, but held herself back. She couldn't bear to disturb Alex's peaceful sleep. Left with no other choice, she returned to her bed to sleep.

"I hope we get along well, little one." Diana yawned and closed her eyes.

As the night grew late, the noise in the girl's dormitory slowly stilled. The lights in the different rooms went out one by one except for the Dorm Head's room.

Yue was holding her mobile phone and talking to someone. At first, she planned to wait until morning before calling her Aunt. However, she knew that the sooner this problem was resolved the better. Her reason for doing so was not because of Abbie's pleading, but her own personal interest in Alexander.

When she saw Alexander for the first time, she only developed a mild interest. That interest grew as she interacted with him during Abbie's explanation of his circumstances. Perhaps the reason why she grew fond of Alexander was when the boy ate her homemade cake and said that it was delicious.

It was the first time someone praised her baked goods. The other people who tried eating her cakes collapsed after a few seconds. Her Aunt flat out told her that her baking was horrible and was not meant for human consumption.

Her Aunt, A.K.A the School Dean, had told Yue time and time again to never let anyone taste, not only her baking, but her cooking as well. She didn't want the young girl to be charged with attempted murder!

It was a good thing that the infirmary in their university had all the right equipment to handle emergencies, or else, Yue's cooking might have caused numerous casualties already!

Alex ate her cake without collapsing and he even told her that it tasted good with a sweet smile on his face. Yue called her Aunt even though it was already late in the night because she wanted to let Alex stay in the dorm. She also wanted to boast that someone said that her cooking was delicious.

"Aunt you were wrong," Yue said on the phone with pride. "My cooking was edible and Alex even said that he'd love to eat it again."

"Ridiculous! Is that boy even human? How could he survive your cooking?!"

"Hum, he was a very good boy. I really like him. Aunt, please allow him to stay in the dormitory for the time being. I promise to look after him."

"Oh? This is interesting. My little Yue has developed an interest in someone. How old is this boy you are talking about?"

"If I remember correctly, Abbie said that he was only eight years old."

"Eight years old." The voice on the other end of the line paused for a bit. "If he's only eight years old, I think we can stretch the rules a bit, but I need to meet him first. After I assess that he will not pose any threat to the girls in the dormitory then I will allow him to stay. Make sure to bring him to my place tomorrow."

"Understood," Yue happily replied. "However, we might only be able to visit you in the afternoon. Abbie said that the two of them will be going somewhere tomorrow. She didn't say how long they would be gone. It's highly likely that they may even arrive in the evening."

"Don't worry. I don't have any scheduled appointments tomorrow. I will be free from afternoon onwards, but make sure to call me in advance before you come here."

"Mmm. Thank you, Auntie."

"Yue, you're so silly. Your mother entrusted you to me so I'll do what I can for you. I'm also very interested in meeting this boy who survived your cooking. Are you really sure he is human?"

"Muh! Of course he is human. Alex is a cute boy!"

"Alright, don't be angry. I'll see you and that Alex tomorrow. Also, his current guardian is a girl named Abbie, right? Bring her along as well."

"Understood. Goodnight, Auntie."

"Goodnight, Yue."

Yue Ying ended the call. Her cold and aloof expression was gone. If anyone could see her right now, they would never think that she was the cold and aloof "Old Hag" of the girl's dormitories. Instead, they would see a very beautiful girl with a charming smile. Yes. Yue Ying was smiling. It had been a long time since she felt this happy and was looking forward to spending her days with Alexander in the girl's dormitories.