Master, Let’s Take A Bath Together 

Abbie slept like a log as soon as she closed her eyes. In her dreams, she was standing on top of a castle wall. It was night time and there were fireworks shooting up to the sky. Their brilliant colors illuminated the night. It was a dazzling sight to behold.

Standing next to her was a boy. His eyes were filled with wonder and his innocent face lit up just like the fireworks blooming in the darkness. The two of them stood side by side. Both of them were holding each other's hand, and smiles were plastered on their faces.

The dream continued and Abbie found herself journeying to many different places. Hiking towering mountains, exploring deep valleys, riding on a dragon's back and flying through the sky.

She also found herself riding a ship in search of hidden treasures in the vast ocean. Taming beasts in a primordial forest and playing with the fairies in the Faerie Kingdom. Such an amazing world, such a fantastic world!

Abbie sighed as she held something soft and warm in her embrace. It felt so soft and good to the touch that she unconsciously squeezed it. A soft "mugyi!" sound entered her ears.

'Um? Am I just imagining things?' Abbie was still half asleep so she squeezed the thing that she was holding one more time. Another "mugyi" sound was heard and she reflexively opened her eyes to see what was making the sound.

The first thing she saw was something red. It was a nice shade of red similar to the lipstick she used on her "Prom Night." The gears in her head churned slowly. A few seconds later, her eyes opened wide as she realized the thing she was squeezing!

Abbie immediately released the young boy in her arms. Alex's face was flushed and his lips were parted. His breathing was a bit ragged, but he still looked at Abbie with gentle eyes. Looking at those clear and innocent eyes made Abbie feel guilty and she immediately apologized to the pitiful boy that she was squeezing like a pillow a few seconds ago.

"Alex, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? Abbie asked anxiously. "I'm sorry. Hugging you felt so good that I forgot that I was hugging a person and not a pillow."

"I-I'm ok, Master. Ju-Just...hah…a little out of breath, but I'm fine," Alex replied in between deep breaths.

Abbie inspected the boy's appearance. He was wearing a stylish shirt and pants that enhanced his adorable features. They were a bit rumpled, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. A minute passed and Alex was finally able to regain his composure.

Alex said, while smiling sweetly. "Good morning, Master."

Abbie lightly pinched his cheeks because of how cute he was. "Good Morning, Alex," Abbie replied, returning his smile. After making sure that Alex was fine, she checked the time on her mobile phone. It was already eight in the morning and they only had two hours to prepare before Alice picked them up.

"First a bath then breakfast." Abbie yawned and stretched her meaty arms. "I hope that the showers are vacant. Let's go, Alex."

"Yes, Master."

When the two of them woke up, Diana was already gone from the room. It was either she went out to do something or was currently having breakfast in the dormitory's cafeteria. Abbie had no time to worry about her because she had a scheduled appointment in less than two hours.

She took her bath towel from the closet and dragged Alex to the private bathroom that was inside their dormitory room.

"Alex, please take off your clothes."

"As you wish, Master."

With a flash of light, Alex's clothes disappeared into particles of light. He stood buck naked in front of Abbie and the latter stood there with mouth agape. The transformation was too sudden that she had no time to react. Her gaze slowly moved down, but she forcefully stopped herself before her vision went below the belt.

Abbie looked up the ceiling and sighed. "Um, Alex, do you know how to take a bath? Do you know how to use the shower?"

"Master, I don't know how to use it."

Abbie was in a dilemma. A part of her was saying that she should just wash Alex and get it over with, while the other part was saying that doing so would make her a criminal.

'It's just helping an eight-year-old wash. What's the big deal about it?' Abbie gnashed her teeth in contemplation. In the end, she decided to play it safe and taught Alex how to use the shower.

"You just turn the knob like this so that the water will come out. If you want to make it stop, just turn it in reverse. You got me so far?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good. Now take a look at these two things." Abbie showed Alex a bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo. "This is called a soap, you use it to wash your body. This is called a shampoo, you use it to wash your hair."

"Soap for the body, shampoo for the hair." Alex repeated like a good child. "Understood. Don't worry, Master. I understand."

"Good! Now, take a bath first. If you need help, just call for me, ok?"

"Master, let's take a bath together!" Alex said with a smile.

Abbie almost said "Ok!" but managed to catch herself just in time.

"Let's take a bath together some other time, ok? For now, you should practice taking a bath alone. Do you understand?"

Abbie saw the disappointment that appeared in Alex's face and she almost gave in to his request. Only her strong will prevented her from doing so. After seeing that Abbie wasn't planning to change her mind, Alex gave up and nodded his head.

"I will listen to Master's order."

"Good Boy! I'll be going now."

"Un...," came Alex's weak reply.

Abbie left Alex in the bathroom as if she was being chased by the hounds of hell. She firmly closed the door and stood guard in front of it. Although she was a bit worried, she decided to believe in Alex's ability to adapt to his new environment.

Even so, she still decided to pay close attention to the sounds inside the bathroom. The moment she heard something amiss, she would immediately rush in to offer her assistance. She stuck her ear on the door and faintly heard the sound of water coming out of the shower.

Not long after, a humming sound was heard. Alexander was humming a song while he bathed. Abbie could have sworn that the tune was similar to the opening song of the game "Go! Go! Summons!" on her mobile phone.

Abbie was too focused on listening to Alexander's humming that she didn't notice the door of her dormitory room opening. The person who entered saw her weird pose at the door and narrowed her eyes.

"What are you doing?" A cold and chilling voice asked.

"Um? Just listening to Alex bathing," Abbie replied automatically. The moment the words left her mouth, Abbie realized that there was someone else inside the room. She sharply turned her head to see the intruder when a familiar face appeared in her vision.

"D-Dorm Head?"

"Did you just say that you were listening to Alex's bathing?" Yue asked with a frown. "Why would you do that?"

"Um, Dorm Head, I can explain," Abbie answered anxiously. She only spent half a minute blurting out the reason why she was standing in front of the bathroom with her ears stuck to the door.

"I see." Yue Ying's frown disappeared from her face. "It's only natural for Alex not to know how to use the shower since he came from overseas."

"Yes, that's it!"

"In the future, if there are any concerns concerning Alex, make sure to tell me as soon as possible. Understood?"

"Yes, of course, Dorm Head!" Abbie nodded her head. "Um, although it's a bit late to ask, what are you doing here Dorm Head?"

This was the first time that Abbie saw the Dorm Head personally visiting someone. Most of the time, she would just stick a memo on the dormitory's bulletin board if she had an announcement to make. For her to come to her room could only mean one thing. It had something to do with Alex.

"I came to tell you that the Dean agreed to meet the two of you to talk about Alex's current situation," Yue explained. "I already told her the details, but she still needs to meet Alex before she makes the final decision. After you return from your appointment, make sure to come to my room. I will guide you to the Dean's residence."

"Understood! We will head straight in your room after we're done with our business!"

"Good. Ah, here is my contact number. Call me when you are headed back to the dormitory so I can make preparations on my end."

"Yes, I'll call you asap, Dorm Head!" Abbie smiled. She had a feeling that Yue Ying already received the Dean's agreement. All they needed to do was to let her see Alexander to close the deal.

While the two were discussing, the bathroom door opened and a cute boy draped in a towel came out. There was still some water dripping down his hair. He had a surprised look on his face when his gaze landed on Yue Ying. Upon recognizing her, a sweet smile bloomed on his