Little Superman

"Good Morning, Big Sister Yue," Alex greeted with a smile.

Yue Ying's countenance softened a bit as she nodded her head. "Good Morning, Alex."

The young boy fidgeted because he was unsure what to do next. There was a person inside the room aside from his master, so he couldn't summon any clothes to wear. It didn't take long for Abbie to discover this problem as well. The gears on her head started to turn madly in search for a way out of their current dilemma.

Seeing his master turning anxious, the shota decided to find a solution on his own.

"Big Sister, is there something you need?" Alex knew that he needed to find a way to make Yue leave the room so he could change into a new set of clothes.

"Mmm, there's something I need to tell Alex, but I'll wait until you finish changing clothes," Yue replied. Her countenance was firm and there was also a hint of mischief in her eyes.

"C-Can't you," Abbie stuttered. "Wait until he finished changing his clothes?! Alex is still a little shy towards people, especially towards the opposite sex."

Alex nodded his head to support his master. He knew that things would only get more troublesome as time went by. The two had a tacit understanding to make Yue leave the room at all cost.

"Aren't you a man?" Yue said while raising an eyebrow. "I don't mind if you change clothes in front of me."

'But we mind!' Abbie and Alex replied internally. The master and hero exchanged glances. Although their bond didn't give them a means of communication like telepathy, their eyes conveyed the message they wanted to say to each other.

'Master, Big Sister is too strong.'

'D-Don't worry, I'll think of something!'

Yue made her stance known. The corner of her lips even lifted by half a centimeter. Her face was saying "Go on, little boy, Big Sister will watch you change your clothes."

Alex didn't give up and tried to convince Yue one more time. "I can't change clothes if Big Sister is watching me." His face started to redden, which was very noticeable because of his pale skin. He shifted his body from left to right unconsciously to hide his anxiousness.


'So cute!'

The two girls had no resistance against Alex's subtle cuteness. While the two of them were admiring the panicking shota in front of them, Abbie's phone suddenly rang. She took it out of her pocket and checked to see who the caller was.

'I don't recognize this number,' Abbie thought. 'Maybe the caller dialed the wrong number.'

Abbie was about to click the cancel button when a series of texts appeared on her mobile screen. The message was...

"Pick it up, you pig!"

'Fuck! Its the stupid AI again!' Abbie cursed under her breath. She looked apologetically at Yue and Alex before going to the corner of the room.

"Hello? What do you want? Now is not a good time! Can you talk to me later?"

"Oh really? Too bad then. I was planning to help you out of this mess, but since you don't need it then I'll just hang up."

"Wait! Wait! I was just joking!" Abbie wiped the non-existent sweat on her forehead. She really didn't get along with this AI, but right now she was in a pinch. "Please help me out!"

"Good. I will help you out if you call me ,'Your Highness', from now on."

"Hah? Are you braindead? Calling you bitch was already very generous of me. Don't go too far!"

"I see. Very well, I'm going to hang up now. Goodbye!"

"Your Highness, Your Majesty, Your Excellency! Please don't go and help me!"

"Hmp! You should have said those words from the beginning!"

Abbie did her best to flatter the bitchy AI. The AI also knew that now was not the time to be stubborn and told Abbie what she needed to do.

"Just listen to what I tell you and don't ask any questions. Do you understand?" the AI's voice said with disdain. "We'll settle this matter later."

"Yes, Your Highness! Whatever you say, Your Excellency!"

"Very good. Since we don't have time I'll cut to the chase. Go to your closet and…"

The anxiousness Abbie felt disappeared after listening to the AI's instructions. She immediately headed to her closet and pretended to search for Alex's clothes. Her left hand was busy rummaging inside the closet, while her right was busy scrolling through the Fashion Shop in Go! Go! Summons!

The A.I told her to purchase clothes using the available credits that she received as an official 'beta tester' of the game. She was in a hurry so she didn't pay any attention to the clothes she picked. She just clicked the 'Buy' option on the first set of clothes that appeared on her mobile screen.

As if by magic, the clothes materialized out of thin air. Abbie instinctively caught them before they fell on the ground. With the change of clothes firmly secured in her hand, she turned her head to ask Alex to wear them.

The little boy gratefully accepted the clothes and returned to the bathroom once more. Yue Ying crossed her arms over her chest and waited for Alex to finish changing his clothes. Abbie gave a hollow laugh as she looked at the girl in front of her. She was unsure why the Dorm Head was making it difficult for her and Alex.

While Abbie was having these thoughts in her head the door of the bathroom opened and Alex emerged fully clothed. The shota was wearing dark blue shorts and a shirt with the Superman logo embossed on it. His messy red hair looked like a birds nest and the two girls gave it their all to stop themselves from laughing out loud.

His sapphire green eyes looked at the two ladies in confusion. He noticed that both of their bodies were shivering, but he didn't know that it was because they were holding back their laughter. 'Why are the two of them shivering? Are they cold?'

A soft clicking sound was heard inside the room. Abbie and Alex didn't notice when Yue took out her mobile phone, but she was currently taking pictures of Alex.

Abbie thought that it was a good idea and decided to imitate her. Both girls used their phones to take pictures of the cute shota in front of them. The Little Superman just smiled and allowed the two girls to take his picture.

He even struck some poses which made Abbie giggle as she took his picture. Yue's lips twitched from time to time in an effort to stop the smile that was trying to break free from her cold and aloof expression.

"Do you have a comb? I'll fix your hair for you," Yue offered in order to divert the laughter that was bubbling inside her chest. Although the messy looking Alex looked cute, she liked people who were properly groomed. Since Alex was going to stay in the dormitory, it was her responsibility to take care of him!

"Here you go!" Abbie didn't waste any time and handed a comb to her Dorm Head.

Armed with a comb, Yue made Alex sit on Abbie's bed and started to make him look presentable. While her Dorm Head was busy taking care of Alex, Abbie decided to take a bath. Girls took a lot of time when it came to bathing. She didn't want Alex to wait for her to finish before having his breakfast.

Although servants didn't need to eat, Abbie treated Alex like a child who was still growing up. She would not allow him to skip any meals! With this thought in mind, she asked the Dorm Head to take Alex to the cafeteria to have breakfast while she bathed.

Yue Ying was more than happy to accept the task of bringing Alex to the cafeteria, but it didn't show on her face. She just told Abbie to take her time and come and find them after she was done with her business. Yue held Alex's hand and went out of the room to have breakfast.

Although Abbie asked her to bring Alex to the cafeteria, she had no intention of doing so and brought the cute shota to her room. Last night she didn't get much sleep because Alex's smiling face, when he ate her cake, appeared everytime she closed her eyes. When her alarm sounded at around five in the morning, she went to her kitchen and started to bake a cake.

She even cooked simple dishes with the motive of inviting Alex to have breakfast with her. That was her real purpose for coming to Abbie's room. Yue was planning to let Alex taste her cooking. The cold and aloof girl wanted to prove to herself and her Aunt that her cooking was safe for human consumption!