Genuine Feelings

After Alex and Abbie had their talk they returned to the lobby. Abbie wanted to find the room assigned to her. Although Alex said that she could stay in his room, she firmly rejected his offer. If it was the young Alex, Abbie would not think twice about staying in the room with her. However, the adult Alex was making her heart flutter whenever he smiled at her.

Abbie didn't want to die because of a heart attack, so she decided to make a tactical retreat. She needed some time to organize her thoughts and ponder about the things that Alex told her. There were many freshmen loitering in the lobby.

Some of them had already deposited their luggage inside their rooms and were just hanging out with friends and acquaintances.

The moment the two appeared in the lobby, the freshmen's eyes locked on the handsome red-haired guy walking hand in hand with the chubby girl.

"Is that him?"

"Who else could it be? It's him alright."

"The rumors were true. This guy is definitely cut above the rest."

"Is he really that fatty's fiance?"

"From what I've heard, that chubby paid him to act as her fiance."

"Really? How shameless!"

Although they talked in hushed whispers, Alex was able to hear their conversations. He glanced at the girls who were badmouthing Abbie and flashed them a devilish smile. When the girls saw his smile, they felt devastated.

It was as if someone had shot an arrow through their heart and they couldn't pull it out no matter what they did.

When Abbie saw Alex smiling at the other girls, she felt a sourness in her heart. She tugged at his shirt with her free hand to get his attention.

"Why are you smiling at those girls?" Abbie asked. "Are you trying to pick up girls?"

"Of course not," Alex answered with a smile. He felt happy because he could vaguely feel Abbie's jealousy from her questions. Although he wanted to tease her for being jealous, he knew that it might backfire so he decided to give her reassuring words. "There's no need to pick up other girls because my heart, and body, belong only to you."

"""How cheesy!"""

Abbie and the girls inside the lobby thought at the same time. However, even if Alex was being cheesy, they couldn't do anything about it. Such was the benefit of being a good-looking-man. Anything could be overlooked!

"Come on. I already found my room number," Abbie said as she half dragged Alex to the elevator. The moment they disappeared from view, the murmuring inside the lobby intensified. Girls and boys were texting their friends and acquaintances in order to spread the news.

Abbie's room was on the fourth floor. Her room number was fifty three and she was sharing the room with three other girls from her class. Ironically, her roommates were none other than the Red Alert Girls!

Britney and her two lackeys squealed the moment Abbie entered the room with Alex in tow. They didn't know that their roommate was Abbie and they were pleasantly surprised by this revelation.

"Hello! My name is Britney." Britney approached Alex with a smile. "I am nineteen years old and currently single. Nice to make your acquaintance!"

Britney extended her hand for a handshake. Alex felt that there was no harm in forming a connection with Abbie's classmates. After all, he would need them to look after Abbie while she was in school.

"Alex Von Ainsworth," Alex said as he shook Britney's hand. "Eighteen years old."

"You're only eighteen?! Oh my god!" Britney exclaimed. "You're so manly. By the way, my three sizes are XX-XX-XX please dump Abbie and pick me instead!"

Abbie slapped the starry eyed girl's shoulder which sent her flying to the nearest bed. Britney broke out from her stupor and looked at the chubby girl with a face filled with grievance.

"Hey! Violence is prohibited!" Britney shouted. "I was just joking. Why are you overreacting!"

Abbie snorted and went to the bed assigned to her. She left her other bag in Alex's room for safe keeping. The bag she was carrying at the moment contained her change of clothes. He left the bag filled with snacks and other consumables in Alex's room. The reason? She didn't want to share them with anyone!

"Hello, your name is Alex right? I'm one year older than you. Feel free to call me Big Sister."

"Me, too! I'm a year older than you. Call me Big Sister, too."

"How about No?" Abbie answered before Alex could say anything. "Alex, just call them by their names. This one is Lackey A, that one is Lackey B!"

"Who are you calling Lackey A?!"

"That's right! Why am I Lackey B? I should be Lackey A!"

The two girls were indignant. They were born in this world and given proper names by their parents like normal human beings. They had rights too and they will fight for it!

"Hello, Lackey A, Lackey B," Alex greeted the two of them using his sweetest smile. "Let's get along together."

"Yes! Let's get along!"

"You called me Lackey B? Awww! I really like this nickname you gave me. Let me give you a nickname as well. How about I call you 'Your Highness' from now on? If you want, I can also call you Master!"

"Sounds good! Your Highness, I, Lackey A, swear my loyalty to you!"

Alex wasn't able to stop himself from chuckling. These acquaintances of Abbie were really interesting people. Britney and her lackeys were beauties in their own right. To see them acting like this made Alex feel that they would become good friends with his Master.

"Just call me Alex," Alex said. "I don't want to be treated like a Prince. I hope that all of you can get along with my fiance, Abbie, from now on. I will leave her in your care."

Alex nodded to the three girls. Mama Sophie, the one that took care of Alex in the orphanage, told him that although there were many bad people in the world, there were also some good people in the mix.

It is important not to judge others at face value and get to know them better. Only then would you be able to tell whether these people were genuine or not. As far as Alex could tell, the girls in front of him might seem unreliable, but they were good people at heart. At least, that was what his instincts were telling him.

"Alright. From now on I'll call you Alex," Britney beamed as she sized up Abbie's fiance. She felt envious because she could tell at a glance that Alex was different from all the men she had met before. The gentleness in Alex's eyes when he looked at Abbie didn't escape her eyes. Britney had met many "fake people" in the past that was why she could tell that Alex's feelings for Abbie were genuine.

Britney was a smart girl. She also came to the realization that this might just be a farce that Abbie had prepared beforehand. Finding a man who would act like her boyfriend or fiance to create a new rumor that would work in her favor. However, seeing Alex up close made her reject her initial conclusion.

"Abbie, do you want to rest or do you want to take a stroll around the resort?" Alex asked. His plan was to appear in public with Abbie and make sure that everyone knew that she had a fiance. It was one way to deter any of the boys who dared to approach her in the future.

If Britney and her lackeys knew what he was thinking, they would pat his shoulder and say "Bro, you're thinking too much. Only masochists are the ones who would dare approach Abbie."

Abbie thought about Alex's proposal and decided that it was a good suggestion. It was only three thirty in the afternoon and there was plenty of time to take a stroll. Seeing that she agreed to his proposal, Alex happily held her hand and the two of them left the room together.

Britney and her lackeys loved to gossip and they understood that this was something that they couldn't afford to miss. After exchanging glances with each other, they also left the room. They planned to secretly observe the two on their stroll and see if any exciting events would follow during their wandering.