How Dare You Show PDA In Front Of Us?!

The Sea Horizon Resort was located on a private island that was four kilometers long and three kilometers wide. In order to travel the whole island, you would need to rent a bike. Although there were shuttle buses inside the resort, they were only used for special occasions.

Alex and Alice walked hand in hand. One handsome and one charmingly plump. Since the majority of the people inside the resort were students from the university, they immediately knew who they were.

For some reason, Abbie felt that Alex was purposely going to places with many people. She didn't know that Alex was doing this so that the rumor of him being her fiance would spread faster.

Alice and Alex had arrived a few hours earlier than Abbie so they had plenty of time to check out the facilities of the resort. Alex first took Abbie to the indoor swimming pool. The Sea Horizon Resort was a world class resort and it could be seen easily by the sheer beauty of their facilities.

There were three indoor pools and two of them were the size of a basketball court. The third pool was a bit smaller compared to the other two because it was dedicated for young children. There were many water slides and even jumping platforms located in key areas within the swimming pools.

Abbie could only sigh in appreciation for the owner's attention to details which made this wonderful scene in front of her possible.

"Do you want to swim later?" Alex's question brought Abbie out from her stupor.

"Maybe tomorrow," She answered. "I didn't bring my swimsuit."

"Good." Alex chuckled. "I didn't bring mine either."

Abbie wasn't able to stop herself from rolling her eyes at the handsome hunk next to her. She was still not used to this "aggressive" Alex that was currently accompanying her. In truth, she felt like she was a fat sheep being accompanied by a big bad wolf. Although the wolf was being nice to her right now, who knows if she wouldn't end up getting eaten later if his mood changed.

'Not that I'd mind being eaten by him,' Abbie thought. She felt her cheeks burning and knew that she was blushing right now, but she didn't know what to do. Alex noticed the redness that was spreading across his master's face and the smile on his face grew wider.

Although this was not the first time he saw Abbie blush, he still felt happy because he knew that this was happening because of him. He pulled the girl closer and enclosed her to an embrace.

When Abbie found herself inside Alex's arms, the blush on her face grew redder. Even the tip of her ears were red!

"What do you think you're doing?!" Abbie said in a voice that only Alex would be able to hear.

"I don't want the other boys to see your adorable face when you blush," Alex whispered softly in her ears. "Be a good girl and calm down first. I'll let you go after you regain your composure."

While the two were locked into an embrace, Hannah appeared in the poolside area. She was also doing some exploration with her lackeys.

"Look over there, Hannah." Lackey A pointed at Abbie's direction. "The fatty is over there along with the handsome hunk that is rumored to be her fiance."

Hannah turned her pretty head and glanced in the direction her friend was pointing. Her eyes widened when she saw Abbie being embraced by a red-haired man. She could only see the side profile of the boy, but that was enough for her heart to start beating wildly.

Abbie's head was resting on the man's chest, while the latter's hands were wrapped around her waist. The two were whispering to each other. Hannah could see that Abbie was blushing like mad, while the man was smiling at her.

Feeling someone looking at him, Alex turned his head. His gaze met Hannah's and a devilish smile appeared on her face. Alex didn't recognize the girl, but that didn't matter. All he needed to do was smile and make sure that they saw how happy he was with Abbie.

Feeling that everyone's gaze turned his way, Alex lowered his head and planted a kiss on Abbie's forehead. Just like he expected, the people who saw this scene had varying expressions on their faces. Seeing that his purpose for coming to the pool had been accomplished, it was now time to move to another place.

"Abbie, my beloved, let's check the gardens," Alex purposely raised his voice and made sure everyone heard him call Abbie his beloved. "There are many flowers that are in full bloom, I'm sure you will like it."

"Y-You!" Abbie stuttered. She didn't expect Alex to kiss her in front of many people. Although it was only on the forehead, it was still a kiss nonetheless.

She pounded her enclosed fist on Alex's chest in order to punish him. Abbie didn't know that her action only made her look like a flustered girl that was being pranked by her boyfriend. The pink atmosphere surrounding the two lovebirds made the bystanders feel like vomiting sugar on the spot.

"How dare you Show PDA in front of us singles?!"

(A/N: PDA means Public Display of Affection)

"Kuh! It's unfair! Why are all the good looking guys taken?! Save some for me goddammit!"

"If I can have that guy as my boyfriend, I can die happily."

"I want his baby…"

The murmuring inside the pool area was spreading, but a certain girl didn't notice.

Hannah felt that her heart was going to jump out of her chest when the handsome man looked at her earlier. It was the first time she felt something like this. Even the University Prince wasn't able to bring out this kind of reaction in her.

Hannah's two lackeys had been with her for a year and noticed the minute changes in her expression. They didn't say anything because they too felt their hearts flutter when Alex glanced in their direction.

"Is he really that fatty's fiance?" Hannah asked as she watched Alex's and Alice's figure going farther away. The two were headed to the garden area of the resort, but Hannah couldn't take her gaze away from Alex's back. She felt confused by her own feelings.

She had liked the Prince ever since she enrolled in the university. His good looks, his family background, and his academic prowess was enough for Hannah to deem him worthy to be her boyfriend.

However, with just one gaze from a man she had only seen once, made her feel that the feelings she had for the Prince were laughable. If she really liked Adam then how come her feelings were easily swayed with just a single glance?

She had to know. Her heart demanded an answer.

"Let's follow them," Hannah said with determination. "I want to know if that man is really that fatty's fiance."

Hannah didn't wait for her lackey's reply and walked briskly towards the direction of the garden. An hour ago, she didn't believe the rumors that Alex was Abbie's fiance. Now, more than ever, she wished that the rumors were not true. Because if it were then she had to extinguish this burning feeling in her heart.

She had to do it to prevent being burned by the overwhelming desire that had taken root in the depths of her heart.