How Could I Let Others Bully My Boyfriend?

"Are you feeling better?" Alex asked. He could see that Abbie's face looked a lot better compared to yesterday.

"Yes," Abbie answered with a smile. "It's all thanks to you, Alex."

Abbie felt that her heart was at peace. It made her feel that everything that happened to her a week ago was nothing more than a joke. Although she was still hesitant to fully accept Alex's advances, she didn't reject it either. In her mind, she needed to have a heart to heart talk with her little Alex and understand his true feelings.

Then and only then would she allow herself to take that next step in their relationship.

'Still, dating an eight-year-old is a bit…' Abbie could only helplessly shake her head as she strolled the beach with the handsome man next to her.

'If he uses the growth potion, it should be fine...right?' This and many other questions swirled inside Abbie's head. She stared at Alex with a complicated face, but the latter just winked at her as if telling her that all her worries were not important.

"How about we go for a swim?" Alex suggested.

"I can't swim," Abbie replied with a frown.

"It's fine. We'll just stay in the shallow waters," Alex said as he half dragged Abbie towards the sea. "Since we're already here, let us enjoy ourselves to the fullest."

"Fine." Abbie had no choice but to give in. Alex was just pushy, but she didn't hate it. She even wondered if this was what having a boyfriend felt like.

Abbie had never been in a relationship. After giving in to Alex's proposal, she felt a bubbly feeling in her chest which made her want to shout to the world "Hah! This lady is no longer single! See how handsome my boyfriend is? That's my future hubby!"

Perhaps her inner bragging showed on her face because Alex was grinning at her.

The two waded in the shallows until the water was just slightly above their knees. Alex motioned for Abbie to sit down. Only her neck and above could be seen above the water and Alex sat down beside her. Not long after, they saw a wave approaching them.

Abbie held her breath when the wave was about to reach them. She lowered her head towards the water's surface. Alex mimicked her and followed suit. Abbie could feel the wave pass over and through her body, pushing her backwards slightly towards the beach.

The two stayed in the water and repeated the same thing whenever a wave was about to pass them. The onlookers looked at their silly display with disdain, but deep inside their hearts, they felt envious.

"We're so silly," Abbie laughed as she eyed the man sitting beside her. "Do you have no shame? Are you not feeling embarrassed?"

"Why should I be?" Alex asked with a raised brow. "If my fiance wants to be silly then I will gladly accompany her in her silliness."

Alex's reply made Abbie snort but it also made her happy. Her hands reached out to Alex's waist and pulled him closer to her. Alex was surprised because this was the first time Abbie took the initiative to draw him close to her. The shock subsided after a few seconds and he, in turn, did the same. The two leaned on each other feeling contentment in their hearts.



"Do you really love me?"

"I love you."

Abbie leaned her head on Alex's shoulder. "Please, hurry and grow up legally. Using growth potions is not the way."

"Mmm," Alex gave a non-committal reply. He understood Abbie's thought of mind. "Perhaps there is an item in Edea that would help speed my growth."

"Really?" Abbie asked. "Such a thing exists?"

"If a growth potion exists then the possibility also exists."

"Will the missions in Edea be as hard as the Tutorial?"

Alex looked at the horizon before giving his reply. "They will be much harder. I'm afraid that the eight-year-old me is ill equipped to take on missions at the get go."

He didn't want to lie to his Master and mentioned his shortcomings up front. To be honest, Alex had misgiving about having Abbie enter Edea with him. Although his power would double, his master would have to face the danger together with him. Alex couldn't bear to see Abbie get hurt. If possible, he would rather face the missions all alone.

However, with his current skill and powers, he knew that it would take a long time before he became a decent fighter.

"Don't worry, we will face the missions together," Abbie said with determination.

"That is what I'm worried about," Alex replied with a wry smile.

"Are you not confident that you would be able to protect me?"

"Do you want an honest answer?"


"I'm not confident," Alex admitted. "Maybe I should find someone to train me first before we take missions. It's just like what Big Sister Alice said, I'm just a child with a sword in my hand."

"Awww. Don't worry," Abbie patted her chest "I will protect you!"

"Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"How could I let others bully my boyfriend?"

"Hoh~" Alex's smile widened when he heard Abbie recognizing him as her boyfriend. His heart felt full and he wanted to shout in joy, but he held it in. He was waiting for those exact words of recognition from his Master and it made him extremely happy. "Make sure to tell that to my eight-year-old self as well."

"No way!"


The two frolicked in the water for an hour before going inside the resort to have lunch. In the eyes of others, they were like newlyweds who were having their honeymoon. Alice was observing the two using a pair of binoculars and she was grinning ear to ear.

"It seems like the two of them got closer," Aiden nodded his head as he stood beside Alice. With his eyesight, he didn't need binoculars to observe the two on the beach.

Alice raised her chin and looked at Aiden with pride. "My plan is perfect."

"You call that perfect?" Aiden snorted. "Are you perhaps forgetting a certain comment section that is getting out of hand?"

"Let's worry about that when we get back." Alice averted her gaze. Someone had posted Abbie's picture in the comment section and told everyone that she was the fiance of the Crown Prince.

Alice didn't waste any time and used her administrator's privilege to delete Abbie's picture from the comment section. However, it was too late. Alex's die hard fans had saved Abbie's picture and posted it on different websites. She wouldn't be surprised if those fans were currently using Abbie's picture as target practice for shooting darts at this point in time.

"Just who could that person be?" Alice asked with a frown. "The announcement was just a few hours old and someone already knew who the Crown Prince's fiance was? Simply unbelievable."

"Whoever it is, it must be someone here at the resort," Aiden said with confidence. "Abbie being Alex's fiance was only known by the people currently residing in this resort. "

"Abbie's schoolmate?"


Alice clicked her tongue, but there was nothing she could do. Abbie's picture has already spread and there was no stopping it. The only thing she could do was to keep her mouth shut and not tell the chubby girl anything, so that her short vacation wouldn't be ruined.