Leaving A Good Impression

"Hello! My name is Amanda Hawkins!" Amanda introduced herself. Her excitement got the better of her and took the initiative to grab Alex's hand for a handshake.

"Alex Von Ainsworth," Alex introduced himself with a stiff smile. "Pleasure to meet you, Amanda."

(A/N: Little Alex is Alexander. The adult Alex is just Alex so you won't get confused.)

"Yes! It's my pleasure!" Amanda looked at Alex with sparkling eyes. This was the first time she had met a prince in real life. She could hardly wait to brag to her circle of friends that she met Prince Alex in the flesh!

Abbie was looking at the fangirling Amanda with a complicated expression. She understood that the girl was not looking at Alex with infatuation, but more like a fan meeting her favorite celebrity.

Since that was the case, Abbie didn't pry the girl's hands off Alex and allowed her to have a little bit of "skinship" with her future hubby.

"Your High-, I mean, Alex. My name is Zoe Skylar, I am Amanda's personal bodyguard," Zoe introduced herself. "It's an honor to meet you, Sir Alex."

"Nice to meet you too, Zoe," Alex replied with a nod.

"Sir Alex, could you please give me your autograph?" Zoe asked with a pleading tone. She took out a pen and a small notebook from her pocket and presented it to Alex. "I promise to treat your autograph as my family heirloom."

Abbie's face cramped when she heard Zoe's words. 'My Alex's autograph will be treated as family heirloom? T-This… could I perhaps sell his autograph on Amazon?'

Amanda saw Zoe's shameless action and whined. She clung to Alex and pestered him for an autograph as well. Alex noticed that there were people looking in their direction because of the commotion and immediately agreed to Amanda's request. He didn't want to bring too much unwarranted attention to himself at this point in time.

Alex thought that it would be over after giving the two girls an autograph, however the two girls wanted more. They wanted to take a selfie with Alex which made Abbie's lips twitch in irritation.

Amanda was paying close attention to Abbie. This was the reason why she noticed the subtle changes in Abbie's expression. She knew that Zoe and her were in the wrong so she decided to compensate the Prince and her Fiance for their time.

"This is a VIP card that you can use in any branch of the Sea Horizon Company," Amanda said as she presented a golden card to Abbie.

Abbie looked at the card that was only the size of an ATM card. The intricate design on its surface made it look classy. What caught Abbie's attention was the golden text etched on its surface which read "Sea Horizon Company".

"With that card, you will be able to use any facilities you like within any of our branches for free," Amanda explained. "This includes the best suites, restaurants, gyms, massage, spa, indoor pools, etc. I hope this will be enough to compensate the two of you for listening to our selfish requests."

Abbie smiled and thanked Amanda for her gift. She had heard about the Sea Horizon Company from her friends and knew that it was a brand name when it came to High-Class Hotels in the country.

Amanda breathed a sigh of relief as she handed a camera to Zoe. She then shamelessly clung to Alex's arm and smiled at the camera. Alex glanced at Abbie as if asking for her permission.

Abbie reluctantly nodded her head in approval. Since the card was already in her hand, it would be a waste to return it. After all, no one knew what would happen in the future. The VIP card given to her may play a significant role when she least expected it.

"My Lady, me, too," Zoe pleaded after taking Amanda's picture with Alex. "I would also like to have a memorable picture with Sir Alex. I will make it my family's heirloom as well."

Abbie rolled her eyes at the shameless bodyguard in front of her. 'Hello? How many family heirlooms are you planning to collect? Don't tell me even a piece of paper that Alex threw away would immediately become a priceless treasure for you?'

While Abbie was silently berating the bodyguard in her head, Zoe was already by Alex's side and striking a pose.


"Those two are really something," Abbie said with an amused expression as she watched the backs of the two girls as they made their way back to the hotel. She casually pocketed the VIP card and secretly placed it inside her personal inventory.

"Yes, they are," Alex agreed. "But, they're not bad people."

"Mmm. You're right," Abbie hummed as he held Alex's hand. "Let's go, time waits for no one."

"Alright." Alex smiled as he accompanied Abbie.

The two of them planned to stay together until three in the afternoon. After that, the two of them would meet at the ballroom a few hours later. Alice and Aiden had already made their own preparations, and were only waiting for Alex and Abbie to return to their own rooms to help them dress up for the party.


"How are your parents?" Jacob asked the young man seated beside him. "Last time I heard from your father, he was busy touring Europe with your mother."

"My parents are well and in good health," Adam replied with a smile. "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet with you, Sir Jacob."

"You're too formal." Jacob waved his hand in a casual manner. "I am here on a vacation. There's no need to be too courteous."

"I understand." Adam could only accede to Jacob's words.

The two did some small talk to pass the time. The purpose of Adam coming to the Sea Horizon Resort was to become acquainted with Jacob. Adam's father and Jacob were old friends and he wanted to help his son form some strong connections.

While the two were talking, Amanda entered the bar with Zoe following behind her. A smile appeared on Jacob's face the moment he saw his daughter. Adam followed his gaze and saw a beautiful lady walking towards their direction.

Adam appraised Amanda with a critical eye. The lady was quite beautiful. Even Adam was moved by her beauty. Unfortunately, he had his heart set on Yue so he didn't see Amanda as a potential candidate to become his lover.

"Papa, you won't believe who I saw inside the resort." Amanda happily hugged her father and shared the good news. Jacob listened to her daughter's words and his casual expression suddenly changed into a serious one.

Adam who was listening to the side furrowed his brows together. From what he could gain from Amanda's ramblings, a prince was currently staying at their resort. Jacob immediately excused himself and dragged his daughter away in order to have a proper conversation.

If what his daughter said was right, it was a good opportunity to give the prince a good impression. Businessmen were always on the lookout for a good investment. In Jacob's mind, a prince's good graces was the best investment he could gain from this trip.