Britney's Shamelessness

The black car stopped near the gates of the university. There were a dozen reporters who were keeping a close watch on the students as they were entering the gates. Abbie even saw a few of them getting interviewed. Among the crowd of students, there was a very familiar face that was currently smiling at the camera.

"Yes, I've known Abbie for a while," Britney said with a smile. "In fact, the two of us are BFF's!"

"Really? You are the best friend of Prince Alex's fiance?" the reporter asked.

"Yes!" Britney nodded her head. "In fact, the Prince and I are close as well. Here is a picture of us together."

Britney showed the reporter a picture of herself and Alex doing a peace sign in front of the camera. The cameraman focused on the picture and the reporter became more polite, as she did her interview.

"I see! Can you tell me more about the Crown Prince?" the reporter asked.