Hannah’s Obsession

Alex was currently in the cafeteria with Aunt Zizi. He was watching the T.V when he saw Abbie appear. The station was doing a live broadcast and Alex watched the events that happened in real time. Even Aunt Zizi paused her work and watched the T.V with Alex.

"My beloved, I miss you. I hope to see you soon," Abbie said in front of the camera. She also blew a kiss towards the screen.

Alex saw her gesture and imitated it. He also blew a flying kiss towards the T.V which amused Aunt Zizi and her helpers. The scene ended with Abbie entering the gates and the reporter saying her last words.

"Abbie sure became popular overnight," Aunt Zizi commented as she returned to her work. She was currently writing down the ingredients that she would use for today's lunch. Although Alex would love to bring Abbie's lunchbox to her, he was forbidden to leave the girl's dormitory.