Unsung Hero [Part 1]

All the black vans were covered in a blinding light. The men wearing black suits found themselves standing in what seemed to be a barren land. The soil was as dry as the air that they breathed.

The sky emitted a purplish glow as if it was announcing that the world was in a perpetual shade of twilight. The men looked around and saw their colleagues. However, the children that were their hostages were nowhere to be seen. All except for one.

Alex stood not far away from them wearing his full battle gear. He was gazing at the familiar world with complicated emotions. This was the second time he had been here, and he had a feeling that it might also be the last.

When he activated this skill, he transported all the children outside. Alex knew that his Big Brother Aiden would handle the rest and save the children. He grit his teeth and prepared himself to battle.