Unsung Hero [Part 2]

"Alex! Wake up, Alex!" Abbie wailed. She was holding a little boy in her arms. The lifeless body was drenched in blood due to the numerous bullet wounds. Even so, the Alex didn't have a pained expression on his face, but a soft and gentle smile.

Abbie's tears fell like a river as she held Alex in her embrace.

"No, this is not real," Abbie muttered. "This is just a dream. I am dreaming!"

Abbie didn't want to believe it. Just hours ago, she and Alex were having fun at the Lantern Festival. Playing games, eating snacks, and watching the flying lanterns take off into the sky.

"Your wish was for the two of us to be together forever," Abbie said through tears. "Why? Why, Alex? Why did you leave me?! WHY?!"

Abbie was crying her heart out. She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. Aiden looked at her from a distance. Tears streamed down his handsome face as he gripped his bow in frustration.