The Great Escape [Part 1]

"I will give you two choices. You will come with me peacefully or you will come with me in pieces. Choose wisely."

Abbie glanced at the bunny girl who was teasing Alex just a few hours ago. Now, that same girl was looking at them with bloodshot eyes with a weapon in her hand. Beastkins were known for their aggressiveness. Even the docile looking bunny girl was now radiating with an intense killing intent.

Abbie and Faemon glanced at each other. Although Abbie knew how to fight, she was a hundred percent sure that she was no match against Clover. Her gut instinct was telling her that fighting the Beastkin was a very bad decision.

While Abbie was thinking of a way to get out of their unfavorable situation, she heard the shouts of guards in the distance.

"Squad one, check the plaza! Squads two, three, four, and five, reinforce the gates!" an angry voice shouted. "Squads six, seven, and eight, check the houses! Nine and ten, check the alleys! Now go!"