The Great Escape [Part 2]

Abbie and Faemon waited in the sewers for almost two hours before they heard movement coming from the ladder. Clover appeared in their vision, and she was not alone. Six beastkins stood behind her and they were looking at Alex as if he was the one who killed their parents.

Still, they didn't do anything and simply glared at him. Alex was still unconscious, and had no idea that he became the "Public Enemy Number One" of all the Beastkin on the continent. 

"Follow us. The city-wide search had passed our current location," Clover said as she handed Abbie a hooded cloak. "We will be taking you to a safe location. After a day or two, we will find ways to sneak you out of the city. Once you are out of the city, you are on your own. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes," Abbie replied.