Graveyard Of The Fireflies [Part 1]

"Finally, we're here," Quinn glanced at the magnificent city from afar.

He was currently standing on the deck of the Silver Wind Academy's airship. Two figures stood by his side as they also observed the city from a distance.

"Are you sure that Alex will be there?" Adam asked.

"He will be there," Quinn replied. "He promised."

Anastasia subconsciously gripped the fan in her hand tighter. It had been many months since she had last seen Alex. She didn't know what her true feelings towards the boy were. All she knew was that she wanted to see him and see if he was doing well.

"Prepare to dock!" Augustus ordered as soon as the Airship neared the city.

No airships were allowed to fly directly over the city unless they had the City Lord's Insignia painted on their ship's hull. 

"Look! That's the airship of Silver Wind Academy!"

"One of the top three academies of the continent has finally arrived."