Graveyard Of The Fireflies [Part 2]

Immediately, spells that were Rank Four up to Rank Five were hurled against the flying castle. 

The citizens cheered for their guardians and raised their fists to show their support. Colorful flowers of destruction bloomed in the dark sky as the spells hit their designated target.

However, the castle withstood all the attacks as if they were merely raindrops falling down from the heavens. 

The headmasters who were looking at the scene had grim expressions on their faces. Even though their flying ships were also capable of aerial warfare, the magical barrage that was raining on the flying castle would be enough to break their ship's defenses.

Chris had a dumbfounded look on his face as he watched the flying castle advance towards the city under the onslaught of their entire brigade.

"Is this all you've got, you little brats?" the arrogant voice asked. "It's now our turn! Blast them from the skies!"

"Yes, Headmaster!"