Labyrinth Battles [Part 2]

Contrary to Alex's expectations, after their clash with the mercenary group, no other group found their location. 

"It seems that Big Brother Aiden managed to draw them far away from us," Alex said as he leaned on the wall of the labyrinth.

He was very tempted to lay down traps all over the place, but the labyrinth was surprisingly very solid. Digging into the ground didn't work and even a sword strike, containing his full power, was unable to damage the walls.

"The Guardian City of Tyr is built on top of a Spiritual Vein," Belle commented. "If my guess is right, that vein is located just a mile under this labyrinth. Perhaps the Sovereign of Tyr has used the spirit vein to turn the labyrinth into an unbreakable maze. Using normal means would not be able to break it easily."

Alex pondered for a while, "Big Sister, what kind of attacks would be able to break this wall?"