Unexpected Turn Of Events

The Sovereign of Tyr had a very bad premonition. He just hoped that his city would be spared from the conflicts that were about to arise. The reason why he was still a Sovereign was because he refused to become a servant of the Gods.

As long as he wasn't a Saint, he could protect the people from the whims of the Gods. Saints had restrictions on them, but Sovereigns didn't have those shackles. Minerva could wipe away an Empire from the face of the continent, but she couldn't do that arbitrarily.

It meant that it was her God that commanded her to act that way. Right now, Minerva's God had used the last of her strength to pass along her last message before falling into deep sleep. Whatever that message was, only the small fairy knew.

A few hours passed before Alex and Belle stopped wandering inside the labyrinth. They had prepared well for this mission, so they had plenty of food at hand.