Sounds Like A Plan

When Abbie opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was a broad chest. She stared at it in a daze. She was still half asleep and her brain was still trying to shift its gears. Suddenly, images of what transpired last night came flooding in.

A tinge of red slowly spread from her neck to her cheeks, and finally up to the tips of her ears. She couldn't believe that Alex and her did all of those things, and more, last night. As her brain and body warmed up, the pain finally kicked in.

It was nothing major, but her hips felt sore. Out of anger or perhaps due to embarrassment, she lightly bit the skin on Alex's chest. She then raised her head and came face to face with a pair of sapphire green eyes that were looking at her with mirth. 

"Just one bite? I don't mind if you bite me more," Alex said with a smile. "Or perhaps, you'd prefer to bite something else…"