I Will Grant Your Wish [Part 1]

Abbie sighed in satisfaction as she stepped into the bathtub. Two strong arms pulled her closer and held her firmly. The chubby girl leaned her back on Alex's chest, while the boy planted a kiss on her cheeks.

"I wish these days would last forever," Abbie said.

"Let's do our best to make that wish a reality," Alex commented from behind her back. 

After that brief conversation, no more words were exchanged. Both of them understood what the other was thinking and that was enough. They allowed themselves to relax as they soaked in the bathtub. 

The warm water was truly comfortable after a few rounds of lovemaking. The two knew that their time was limited so they treasured every moment of their three-day honeymoon. 

The days passed ever so swiftly and today was their last day at the resort. When morning came, they would go back to K-City along with Alice and Aiden. There they would resume their "normal" lives and face the challenges in Edea together.