I Will Grant Your Wish [Part 2]

"Let me guess, you are going to use the Holy Grail to grant your wish, correct?" Lisa sneered. "Aren't you powerful? You can't even grant your own wish and you say that you will grant ours?"

The masked man was unperturbed by Lisa's jeer. He even chuckled in response.

"Yes, it might sound hypocritical, but I can't grant my own wish," the masked man admitted. "I don't have the resources or capabilities to realize my dream."

"This is why I am extending my hands to form a collaboration. Whether you want to join me or not is your choice. Just know that if I ever met your heroes in Edea.... I will not hesitate to reap their cores from their body."

Lisa bit her lip as she looked down. She felt that she had made a mistake in offending this individual. What if he got pissed and decided to hunt her hero, Hyde. The popular idol had fallen in love with her hero and couldn't bear to part with him.