What Is Your New Wish?

Yue and Belle exchanged a glance. Both of them were thinking of the same thing.

'Didn't we already prevent him from completing his mission? How come he managed to succeed in advancing his rank?'

These were the thoughts that were running on their heads as they looked at the handsome young man in front of them. 

Yue suddenly remembered something. Her face paled when she thought of the possibility. However, she couldn't bear to ask Alex the question. She was afraid to know the answer.

Belle smiled and talked to Alex on behalf of her Master.

"Alex, can I see your hands?" Belle asked. "I want to see how big they have grown after you advanced your rank."

"My hands?" Although Alex was confused he still showed his hands for Belle to see. 

Just a glance was enough to confirm their suspicions. They saw a ring on the ring finger of Alex's left hand!