Chapter 7

Lacey's eyes fluttered opened, stretching she sitting up, the room was dim but a fire crackled in the hearth, the room was small the leaves and the stone table taking up all the the room. Silvia was sitting up to the table ripping up some sort of greens and putting them in a clay bowl, Lacey sat up the movement making Silvia look at her, "Are you felling better?" she said.

"Yeah" Lacey answered with a yawn, Siliva giggled turning back to her greens, "What are you making" she asked, "Bunny soup" she said pointing to the bowl, "Oh, Where are we?" she asked, Siliva sighed "No clue!" she said putting the last of the greens in the bowl then got open and sat by the fire setting the bowl over it on top the rocks so nicely placed to keep it up. "Its some island."

She said, as she got up and went back over to the table, "How long have you been here?" Lacey had to ask. "I stopped trying to count." she said, "But I was 5 when it happened..." she said, "So young" Lacey said to herself, but Silvia heard, "I lived through it, some how! Just stay with me and I will keep you safe." she said.

"From what?" Lacey asked, standing and joining her at the table. "There are monsters on this island that wouldn't think twice before eating you! And that dress it's magic. they can smell magic!" she said, playing with her hands, "What should I do then?"

She asked the younger girl, "Theres not much we can do, I don't have any other clothes then these." she said gesturing to her loose hanging dress that almost looked like a blanket sewed up a little and a vine rope round the waist to keep it on.

"Tomorrow we will go to the logon you can wash there, and I will wash your dress." she said, "Okay" Lacey said, all went silent except for the crackling from the fire, Silvia got up and stirred the soup, the smell already filling the room. "Why are you helping me?" she asked, thought of her family in her mind.

"This island is to dangerous, sorry to say but you would be dead already if not for me." Silvia said still stirred the soup, "I would have managed" Lacey said a little hurt Silvia thought her weak.

"but you are" she thought to herself, "How are you still alive you are so young!" Lacey said, 'I'm 9!" Silvia shot back, "I'm not a baby!" Silvia got up and going to the ladder she disappeared up it. Lacey sighed, "You made her mad dumby" She told herself.

Silvia returned with two smaller bowls and make shift spoons, she set them down on the table, she went back to the soup again stirring it  again, "This island makes you stronger or you don't survive." she finally said, picking up the bowl of the fire with her skirts and bringing it the table, she filled the bowls and placed one in front oh Lacey.

Lacey picked up the spoon and tasted it, the soup was good it warmed her up, she ate two more bowls full before it was all gone. Silvia took the dishes and left the hut, Lacey  sighed after the food she fell tired again she moved and layed down, on her back stirring up at the ceiling.

(Silvia had said the island was filled with monsters that could smell the magic of her dress) she needed a bath, she would worry about the monsters later, her eyes slowly closed and she fell asleep.

Lacey awake to Silvia shacking her to get up, "Come on get up, we must go" she said, as Lacey sat up, they moved to the door, Silvia picked up a bag as they past the table and then they left the hut stepping onto the porch before going onto the big branch the hut was built on.

Silvia led the way down the tree that was as big as a 3 story building, and as big around as 10 grown people standing in a circle, they jumped down  onto smaller branches as they left the tree, Silvia jumped down landing on her feet looking up she smiled.

"Come on we must hurry before they wake up!" she said, Lacey jumped landing on her feet but stumbled forward , Silvia caught her arm and steadying her, she didn't remember the forest they stood in because she had been half asleep the whole walk there.

Trees lot the same as the one they had just left, stood all around them. Silvia started walking Lacey followed, Silvia seemed to know where they were headed, Lacey stepped over one of the trees roots that came out of the ground the roots were as big around as her, Silvia led her through the big trees.

The forest floor was poking to her tender bear feet, they walked for a while until she saw the water, the logon was small and was in a grove of trees, Silvia nodded to the water as they walked around the water to a big rock that sat on the edge of the pool of water, a small water fall fed the pond.

Silvia took the dress Lacey handed her, as Lacey got into the water, she got off the rock going over to the small stream that ran off the logon, she started washing the fabric in the stream, she was scrubbing it when she felt the hard object and she pulled away the skirt to find the black flower hair pin, caught in the thread of the fabric, she picked it up it sparkled in the sunlight, she stuck it in her bag.

"I will give it to Lacey when she is done bathing." she said, going back to the dress, she set it out to dry on some leaves layed out on the ground in the sun, she then went back to the logon Lacey sat on the edge of the logon drying in the sun, she grabbed a big leaf to cover herself, when she walked up.

Lacey's face went red when Silvia came out of the bushes she had covered with one of the big leaves that lay on the ground by the rock, her hair was washed and almost dry well as much washed as it could get without soap. "Well your dress is laying out to dry." Silvia said.

Walking over to sit on the ground not far away from her, she picked up a stick and started drawing in the dirt, an hour past as they waited for the dress to dry, Lacey sat on the rock completely dry, when Silvia brought her, her dress and other clothes, she got dressed felling better after the bath in the logon, they started back to Silvia's tree, moving faster than before, they stopped short as Silva smelled the air then turned to look over her shoulder.

Lacey followed her gaze , a big huge monster was the best way to describe it, come on to the path behind them, Lacey stared in horror at the goat like creature with long horns and a jaw full of long sharp teeth, it let out a ground shuttering growl as it started toward them at a run, Lacey stood still in shock and horror, Silvia grabbed her hand.

"RUN" she screamed starting into a run dragging Lacey with her, the dress tangled around her legs as she run with Silvia, the monster right on their hills, the dress turned red glowing Silvia still had her hand, they ran down the path.

Silvia dogged the monster as it lunged at them, her hand getting tron out of Lacey's, Silvia jumped grabbing a large branch and pulled herself out  of the monsters reach, leaving Lacey on the ground right in the monsters path.

Lacey stared into the black eyes of the monster stumbling as her foot caught on a root, she fell her backside hitting the ground, the monster came closer to Lacey, Silvia was no where to in sight, the monster came even closer.

Lacey could smell it's breath she gagged, but still stared into the eyes of the beast as it came even closer, she could see the hunger in it's eyes, the monsters mouth opened showing the rows of long sharp teeth, Lacey screamed as the monsters jaw came down on her.

Red was all she could see , the monster screamed as the dress glowed bright red burning it, it roared  in pain and stumbled back blinded from the light, Silvia jumped from the tree branch above, spear ready to strike, driving it deep into the monsters neck.

Lacey's eyes cleared to see Silvia over the monster laying on the ground, Lacey slowly got up dazed she walked over to the dead monster, Silvia stood on top of it with a big grin on her face, "I killed it" she laughed , "I haven't been able to kill one of them ever."

She said, looking down at the in bedded spear, she looked down at the  monster laying on the ground, she pulled harder on the spear, she jumped around it puling in all directions, when the spear came loose she went flying off the beasts body and on to the ground, she jumped up holding the spear up in triumph, she walked over to were Lacey stood, looking at the monster.

"I can ,make us both clothes out of hes hide!" She said, looking at it like she was going to do it right there right now, she smiled, "Well lets go to the hut I can do it later." she said getting up onto the monsters body again and jumping up to grab the branch above her, Lacey sighed the monster had come to close.

Now she knew what Silvia had said about the island being dangerous, she scrambled upon top the monster to better jump and pull herself up, it took a couple tries before she got up into the tree, when they reached the hut Lacey was already tried, and sank down onto the leaves, Silvia stayed out side for awhile longer doing something, before she came in.

"Oh Yeah!" she said opening her bag, "I found this hair pin stuck in the skirt of your dress." she said pulling out the flower pin, but as she held it up it shuddered into pieces falling to the floor, around her, "Oh No!" she cried looking at the glass pieces on the floor at her feet, the flower dispersed, leaving only the glass pieces on the floor as a black mist started to gathering around her,

Silvia stared in shook at the broken hair pin on the floor, as the black mist rose up around her, Lacey sat on the pile of leaves she had made just for her stareding in shook too, the mist gathered thicker around her then just rushed into her with a "WHOOSH"   then it was gone, "What just happened" Lacey said standing up and coming over, "Are you okay?" she asked, laying a hand on her shoulder, Silvia was grateful for her hand, she felt weak and tried.

"I will be fine." she said to Lacey. Lacey nodded dropping her hand to her side, "Maybe we should both take a nap  after that whole monster thing."  she said going back to lay down on the leaves, Silvia nodded and headed up the ladder, her mind was in a black fog, she layed down as everything went black.

Lacey sat up again as Silvia left up the ladder, she stared at the glass pieces on the floor, it was  that was left of her hair pin her brother had given her, she looked around the room and spotted a broom in the corner.

She stepped carefully as she went and picked it up she slowly sweep up the glass on to a leaf she had took from her bed and placed it on the table, she sat down at the table and stared at the glass shards, the moon flower gave people power or enhanced the ones they had. "So Silvia would get powers" she said out loud to herself.

"I guess it would be useful in a place like this." she thought. "She could keep me safe" she laughed, remembering her dress glowing when the monster had attacked her, it had burned the beasts face leaving it blind, she sighed and looked down at her blue dress so what did all the colors mean? Blue? Green? Yellow? Red? Pink?...

She remembered when it had turned pink in her cabin on her fathers ship, was her family missing her? she sighed and got up going and laying down again., her mind a sea of thoughts, she drifted into a light sleep.