Chapter 8

Silvia's eyes opened in a flash. She was staring at the ceiling of her room, she could hear the wind going trough the leaves outside her hut, she could sense Lacey down stairs  asleep.

(What's going on!?) she sat up it was dark outside, she walked over to the small window and opened it. The cool night breeze felt good on her flushed face. Picking up her hair brush and slowly pulling it through her silver hair in soft even storks she sat by the window brushing her hair. What did that mist do to me? She had been able to sense living things around her before but it was faint, now she could sense the tree, she could sense the birds asleep in it and all the bugs on the ground far below. It scared her.

"What is gong on?" her mind repeated. Her room was dark but she just sat there in the dark brushing her hair as she tried to get the feeling under control. They soon faded and she stopped brushing. Silvia  set down her brush and pulled her hair in to a braid but didn't tie it. she layed back down and soon fell into a light sleep.

Lacey awoke to a creaking sound upon the second floor, she sat up as Silvia come down the ladder, "Your awake, good because I'm going to need your help to prep the monsters hide for tanning." She said, "We will grab some food a little later." she said, going straight for the door. Lacey followed, she didn't know any thing about tanning hid, but she would probable need to if she was going to survive on this Island. She couldn't always count on Silvia to do everything for her. Yes I am or was a princess, but Lacey was not going to tell Silvia that if they were going to live together on the island for who knows how long.

"I will have to do my part." She thought as she followed Silvia to the bottom of the tree. When they got there, Silvia grabbed a knife and started hacking the beasts hid into movable pieces. She handed Lacey one too and instructed her to get to work. Lacey almost  gagged when she pulled away the first piece of the hid, soon the beast was stripped and the hides lay in a pile. "Well we cant eat the meat because, it eats people and I just couldn't stomach it, Sylva said, "but we'll have to move it if we don't want more on top of us from the smell of one of  their own dead. First we must get these in water to soak", she said, "So we are going back to the logoon." Sylvia added.

They headed to the logoon with arm loads of hides and put them in the stream to soak. The girls had to make two trips before they got them all in the stream. tThen they went back to take care of what remained of the monsters. Lacey sank down on the ground, her energy already all gone, from the walk back and forth.

Silvia, still full of energy started hacking away at the remains, making it smaller so they could take it away from the tree. Lacey got up and helped with the un-tasteful  task. When they got it all chopped up it was almost dark. "We must take this away and throw it into the tide to be taken out to sea, before we have a dozen or more monster under my tree." Silvia said. They took piece after piece down and threw it into the water It took them well into the night to finish.  Lacey crawled into the leafy bed and was asleep before she even heard the door close behind Silvia.

Lacey awoke the next morning still tired from yesterday walks, Silvia sat at the table looking at the glass pieces that still sat on the table, "Can I have these?" Silvia asked, "Sure" she said getting up, "We both need a bath so when ever you are ready we will go." Silvia said getting up, they went outside, but stopped as Silvia opened a small secret compartment in the branch by the porch, and pulled out a spear, then replaced the door and started walking again, "That's neat and smart!" Lacey said following her down the tree to the logon.

The way was becoming familiar to her. When they reached the logon she just jumped in, fully dressed. Silvia went to check on the hides before joining her. They washed their clothes while they bathed and set them out to dry before going back to bathing in the logon. The girls had been there for an hour when all if a sudden the dress glowed yellow as it sat in a bush drying. Lacey noticed it turning color and jumped out of the water. Silvia looked at her as she grabbed it, "The Dress, it's Yellow! something its coming!" Lacey said as she slipped it over her head, and got dressed in a hurry. Silvia followed her lead without question and got out of the water and dressed.

The dress was still yellow as they hurried down the path to the tree. Lacey's skirts gathered around her legs making her stumble, she just gathered it up in her hands and kept running. "Man these skirts!" she said. They didn't stop until they reached the tree. Silvia jumped up then helped Lacey up. The girls sat in silence for a moment before they heard the beast moving around on the ground underneath them. When it came into site Lacey grabbed Silvia's arm, but Silvia stayed still on the branch, studying it. "It can't smell us when we are up here, I have herbs hanging all around this tree so we are safe. I learned by accident that the beasts cannot smell us with them around.

That is how I was able to survive these years." she said, Lacey still was worried but stayed still, the monster circled around the tree a couple times before leaving. Silvia let out a sigh, "Well lets go get some food." she said and started moving up the tree. Lacey followed, her dress was blue now. She was hungry, she had not eaten in a day. She followed Silvia up the tree but instead of going to the hut they went higher. Lacey was almost to ask why they were so high in the tree, but stopped when Silvia grabbed the knot and pulled opening the hidden door. Lacey gasped as it opened and stayed standing right out side the door.

Silvia turned around and giggled, "Come in." she said going in and setting the spear up against the wall. Lacey slowly crossed the threshold and Silvia closed the door after her. There was a table with a bench made from wood and. stairs that led up to another room, "WOW" was all Lacey could say as she sat down on the bench. "Here" Silvia said putting a leaf with nuts and dried berries on it in front of her, which she. had gotten off the many shelves that lined the room and then sat down on the bench with her own leaf full. "How long did it take for you to make this place?" Lacey asked.

"Three years" she said, "Yeah I know it doesn't sound real, but here it is!" she said eating a hand full of the mix. "Your so cool, and smart!"Lacey told Silvia, "I just wanted to say thank you for saving me and taking me in." Silvia ducked her head, "Don't mention it, but even if you are clueless and will probably get me killed, it gets lonely here and I'm glad you are here." she said, picking at her food, "You can get stronger with my help." she added. Lacey smiled and started laughing, Silvia smiled but didn't laugh, "I mean it!" she said.

"We can be the perfect pare and can keep each other, from being lonely." Lacey smiled at the younger girl beside her, she could never know how she had felt all alone on this island. She needed to get stronger. She still hoped that maybe her family would be looking for her but no one had know she was on deck when the storm came. She wanted to cry but held the tears back and ate the mix of berries and nuts.

Silvia looked at Lacey, she had a sad look on her face. "Is everything okay" she asked her, Lacey sighed "Its fine" she said, "So what do we do now?" Lacey asked finishing her food. "Well we have all the time in the world so what do you want to do?" she asked Lacey. Lacey laughed, "I want to get stronger!" Lacey said, "You will get there, but how about we go hunting for dinner." Sylvia said, Lacey sighed "Okay."  she said.

They left the hidden rooms and grabbed new spears on the way, "I don't know how to use one of these." Lacey said walking beside her, "Well, do your best, but don't scare the hunt." she said. Lacey nodded, they headed  toward the mountain, "My skirts are getting in the way!" Lacey grumbled after a couple minutes, "We could cut them shorter." Sylvia said. Lacey stopped  short "NO!" she shouted and the dress flashed red in warning. "Oh sorry, it was just a suggestion if you have a better solution then go ahead." the dress faded back to blue, then started glowing and  moving.

The skirt shortened, the sleeves shortened until there was no sleeves. Silvia stared in shock as the dress changed, Lacey smiled, "That's better!" Lacey said, "You could have told me it could change shape!" Sylvia said shacking her head and started walking again. Lacey giggled and followed her, they entered a small meadow with grass that came to their waist, "Rabbits are mainly found here" Sylvia told Lacey. She nodded, spear at the ready they entered the high grass and walked slowly as not to frighten the rabbits.

A movement caught Sylvia's eye, she flipped around and drove her spear into the small animal. Lacey stood in shock at the rabbit on the spear, Silvia had moved so fast she didn't see her attack, "how many should we get?" Lacey asked, "Only one should do for tonight's dinner." she answered. They left the meadow and headed back to the tree, "Do you want to watch me prep it ?" she asked Lacey. Lacey nodded and watched as Sylvia prepped the rabbit. When it was all done she went into the hut followed by Lacey, and set it on the stone table.

Sylvia asked Lacey to chop it up while she lit the fire. She went outside and cut some small sticks off the tree and then stripped them and went back inside. The girl put the meat stripes on the sticks and held them over the fire to cook. It was getting dark when the meat was done. They pulled them off the fire then headed out the door to eat them. The girls sat in the sunlight that was fast fading. "Silvia, thank you." Lacey said again looking out at the sunset they could see from the top branch of their tree, "Your Welcome."

Silvia replied.

Looking out over the tops of the trees, mountain peaks rose high in the sky. "What is on the other side of that mountain?" Lacey asked, "I don't know, I haven't been on the other side of it." she answered, "Oh" Lacey said, "We could go see together." Lacey added, "Yeah maybe when you get stronger." she said. "Yeah we should probably wait so I don't die on the way up there." Lacey said. "Do you think the monsters live up there?" Lacey asked, "Yeah I do." she answered, silence fell as they ate and looked out over the tree tops as the last of the light faded away behind the mountain peaks.

Lacey sat beside Silvia on the top branch of their tree, "Lacey even though you just came here and we just meet, I feel that we are already friends." she said. Lacey smiled. "Even in the short time I have been here we have been through  a lot." Lacey answered. Silvia giggled, "Knowing this island we will be going through a lot more." They soon got up and headed down the tree, When they reached the hut Lacey smiled at Silvia as she went up the ladder. She sat down on the bed of leaves and sighed, her body aching. She looked down at her shorter skirt and smiled as it went longer to its full length and the sleeves came back. She layed down on her back and looked up at the ceiling, and soon was asleep.

Silvia lay on her bed, with her eyes closed tight soon she opened them. She could sense Lacey asleep so she slowly got up and left the hut, Lacey would be okay here alone for awhile because of the blocking herds that hung around the tree. She jumped down the tree and took of  at a run, she ran until she got to the oceans edge. She sat down looking out at the great body of water and closed her eyes and listened to the rush of the waves as they came up the beach just touching her toes. She got up and paced restlessly back and forth on the beach for an hour in deep thought.

Someday she would get off this island, she would fined her mother, if she even was still alive. She stopped and turned back and headed back to the hut. When she got there she quietly went back up the ladder and sat down on the bed of leaves and sighed, maybe we could build a ship? But she didn't know how to sail the ocean, and Lacey probably didn't know either. She had had this same thought of building a ship or a boat before, but she hadn't tried it, instead she had hollow out a tree, and build a hut. She layed down and closed her eyes, a tear fell down her check, for a girl her age she had too much to do. She fell asleep with tear stained checks.