Registering to a School

Mu Yue followed the suggestions of the servant and bought the items she needed. She bought 10 bottles of low-grade Qi gathering pills, a bottle of low-grade healing pills, a tier 3 sword, and a tier 3 inner armor. (Tier 3 are considered extravagant for a Qi Condensation Cultivator. It is commonly owned by the Upper Step Foundation Establishment Cultivators.)

Mu Yue bought the items for 1430 gold. The counter was surprised that a little girl was able to pay for the items. The counter quickly replaced her surprised expression and replaced it with a smile.

Mu Yue then exited the pavilion planning to head to the city square where the School Registration is held.

"Stop right there." Someone shouted in her direction.

Mu Yue looked at the shout's direction and frowned, 'Those people are back at it again...'

The commotion gained the attention of the crowd. The crowd pitied the girl for attracting the attention of the youngsters.

"Those youngsters of the Ling Family are being troublesome again." A middle-aged man sighs, pitying the girl's soon to be fate.

The person beside him said, "Sadly, we can't help and just watch this happening. Anyone that offends the biggest family of the city will never have a peaceful life."

Mu Yue then took her sword from her storage ring and said, "You guys kept on bothering me, stop this and you will not be harmed."

"Back on you bitch! Now we are at the street we will su-" Before the guy finishes his speech, Mu Yue dashed to him and swung her sword sheathed.


The guy fell on the ground without being able to fight back. She quickly attacked her next target. The next target hasn't registered what was happening when he felt a sharp pain on his waist.

"Ahhhhhhh!" The other three youngsters quickly regained their composure. One of the youngsters at the 2nd step Qi Condensation stage gathered his spirit energy on his hand. He threw a strengthened punch at Mu Yue.

Mu Yue stepped back and evaded the punch. She quickly readied her stance and thrusts her sword, hitting the cultivator at his stomach. The person fell on his knees while Mu Yue quickly kicked his chest, knocking him back for a meter.

The other two guys backed away from Mu Yue, scared by the girl's combat capability.

"I already warned you five, you should've stopped on bothering me. Do you concede or you wish for me to continue?" Mu Yue's cold eyes gazed at the remaining two youngsters.

The two remaining youngsters quickly shook their heads."W-we concede, p-please spare us."

Mu Yue then placed her sword back at the storage ring. One of the youngsters smiled and threw a punch at Mu Yue.

"Without your sword, you will not be our match now!"

Mu Yue grabbed the punch and grasped tightly at his hand.

"Ahhhh, let go let go!" The youngster didn't expect the girl to be able to grab his punch.

"You should've checked my cultivation realm before attacking me." Mu Yue then let go of the youngster's hand and punched his face, quickly knocking him out.

The youngsters are only at the 1st step Qi Condensation stage except for the other guy at the 2nd step. The remaining youngster quickly ran, leaving the scene.

The crowd was surprised at the girl's strength. They did not expect the girl to win against the group.

Mu Yue walked away and reached the registration at the city square.

"Hello, how do I register to enter the cultivation school?" Mu Yue asked the person at the registration table.

"You will need to pay 10 gold for the registration, then you will receive a number. The testing site will begin shortly, just go when your number is called."

Mu Yue handed 10 gold and received a number card. She then took a seat and waited for the testing to begin.

"We will now begin testing your spiritual roots. Those that receive a number should be alerted." A loud voice was heard, covering the entire city square.

"Violet spirit root, fire attribute." As the announcement came, the crowd began to be noisy.

"Violet spirit root, 1 in 10000! Another one has appeared!"

"This school batch surely has a lot of geniuses."

A pink-haired girl with golden eyes was seen touching the testing stone. Although young, her beauty attracted a lot of admirers.

Mu Yue glance at the girl before turning her gaze to her number. She will be called next so she stands up and prepared herself.

"Number 28, Mu Yue"

As her number and name were called, Mu Yue went near the testing stone.

"Place your right hand on the testing stone." Mu Yue followed then the stone lighted up, showing blue.

"Blue spirit root, Ice attribute."

A commotion sounded again tho this time much lighter. The pink-haired girl glance at Mu Yue with a smile on her face.

'Mu Yue, huh'