
"The trials consist of three tests. The test of will power, the test of energy control, and the combat test. For the first test, all of you will walk on these stairs." The examiner pointed to the stairs which lead to a mountain top.

"The stairs contain 270 steps. Every 10 steps represent a step of a cultivation stage while every 90 steps represent a cultivation stage from Qi Condensation to Core Formation. They represent what an average cultivator on a specific strength can endure." The examiner explained.

"You all can start now, just tell me if you will proceed so I can record the results."

The students then started to climb the stairs with the supervision of the instructors. Some students went on groups while some climbed solo. Although they climbed in groups, it is forbidden to help each other. Climbing on groups just made it so that the weaker students will try their best to catch up to their peers.

"Mu Yue, let's climb together." Xiao Yan happily suggested.

Looking at Xiao Yan's happy expression, Mu Yue agreed, "Alright, let's proceed when there are fewer students climbing the stairs."

The two started climbing when only a tenth of the students remain untested. Both proceeded quickly compared to their peers but Xiao Yan started to slow down after reaching the 70 steps.

Xiao Yan then glanced at Mu Yue and saw that she isn't having a hard time yet and exclaimed," It seems that I lose to you on this type of competition."

"I was always tested like this by my master when I was training." Mu Yue said. She was trained to be able to endure strong pressure so that if she fought a strong opponent, she can still escape and not be frozen by spiritual aura.

Xiao Yan then stopped at the 83rd step while Mu Yue continues without a problem. This shocked the teachers as this was a rare sight to be seen. She continued to climb and only started to slow down when she reached the 100th step, stopping at the 147th step.

Mu Yue achieved the highest, leaving a large gap between her and the second student. Xiao Yan was barely able to join the top 10 as there are also other students who reach the 3rd step Qi Condensation stage. Xian Ye and Yuan Cheng only received results that are close to their cultivation levels.

"We will now proceed to the test of energy control. There is a platform here that can accommodate 50 students. It has a tier 3 array that sends spiritual fluctuations which becomes stronger as time passes. You just have to control your spiritual energy to your hand and let it stay for as long as you can." The examiner announced.

This time, the students with the lowest cultivation started first while the strongest goes last. Mu Yue and Xiao Yan were tested last, same with the other 3rd step Qi Condensation stage students.

Some students that were registered to the school only possess Peak level 3rd step Qi Condensation stage of cultivation at most. Most students that possess this strength are already 14 years old, older than Mu Yue and Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan is also older than Mu Yue by 4 months.

(The students that are 14 years old have green spirit root at most. They are students who missed the previous registration, having slower cultivation due to lack of resources.)

"For the last batch, most of you already reached the 3rd step Qi Condensation stage so controlling your spiritual energy for more than a minute is already a good feat. Control your spiritual energy to your hand, I will now start the array." The examiner then started the array. The spiritual fluctuations it releases slowly increase in quantity and strength.

There were students who failed to reach the one minute mark. Only 9 out of the 28 3rd step Qi Condensation stage students reached it. Mu Yue was the first of the nine to lost control. Most of the remaining students are Spell Cultivators. Xiao Yan was the only student who surpassed the two-minute mark.

"I lost to you this time, Xiao Yan." Mu Yue said as she approaches Xiao Yan.

"It's natural for me to be at least this capable. I'm a Spell Cultivator and an Alchemist, both need a good amount of concentration and energy control."

The students were then allowed to take a rest for an hour before being guided to the area where the combat test will be conducted.