Combat Test (Mu Yue)

"For this test, we will have you all fight someone with the same profession and strength. The teachers will be your opponents. They will adjust their spiritual energy to match the students they will be fighting. Although the teachers will match your strength, their combat experiences and skills will be used to their advantage.

The teachers will cover their bodies with spiritual energy. Break their defenses and you win. You can use anything except consumables and one-time use items. As for the auxiliary, you will take a test after this." The examiner explained. He then separated the students base on their professions. The teachers of each profession then guided them to their test sites.

"See you later Mu Yue, good luck on your test." Xiao Yan said.

"Same to you Xiao Yan." They then separated and went to their respective test sites.

The school has a lot of teachers. They have instructors for every profession; this included the common weapon specializations and spells.

When the student's arrived on their test sites, they were matched to an instructor with the same profession. For example, a weapon cultivator student will be matched with a weapon cultivator teacher but they can have different weapons.

Mu Yue was matched to a teacher who uses a spear. She then remembered what her master taught her. She was taught how to fight cultivators of different weapon specialty. For fighting a cultivator with a spear, it was best to close the distance so that the enemy will have a hard time using the spear.

It was now the time for Mu Yue to fight the teacher. A man with a spear that has a length of 1.5 meters is standing on the stage. When Mu Yue arrived, the man then said, "I hope you will be different from the other students. They didn't even last for a minute before losing. This spear is only a tier 1 but is still enough to inflict a wound. Careful little miss."

The bell rang which signifies that the match has started. The man quickly dashed forward with the spear pointing at Mu Yue. Mu Yue then dodged sideways while parrying the attack. The man then launches multiple thrust attacks at Mu Yue while keeping a distance. Mu Yue was suppressed and can only stay in the defensive.

"You can't win the fight by only defending, little miss!" The man shouted before using the tip of the spear to slash upwards.

Mu Yue blocked the attack with her sword, causing her to get knocked back for a few meters. She quickly stabilized her footing before blocking yet another attack from the man.

'I have to make him lose his momentum.' Mu Yue thought. She then distanced herself from the man.

"Distancing yourself will only give an opportunity for me to charge." The man charged towards Mu Yue.

Seeing the charging man, Mu Yue did not panic. She waited until the spear was near her before parrying it with her sword. She quickly closes the distance and slashed her sword towards the man.

"Impressive," The man said before blocking the slash with the body of the spear. He then kicked towards Mu Yue.

The blow landed on Mu Yue's stomach causing her to groan but this did not stop her from continuously attacking the man. She kept on slashing towards the man, which the man blocks with his spear.

Her attacks were elegant like an art. This was Tian Min's sword skill. At first glance, there seems to be a pattern on the sword strikes as it looks like a beautiful sword dance. Yet this was just an illusion created by the sword skill, it actually is unpredictable to a degree. The man has yet to see through the skill and only blocks with his reflexes.

"Rupture slash"

A heavy downward slash hits the spear of the man. The spear breaks into two pieces, and the slash continued until it hit the man's protective suit of spiritual energy, breaking it. This signifies that Mu Yue won the duel.

"Huh… So that was your aim." The man was surprised when the spear broke and that's why he was not able to react when the slash continued towards his body.

Mu Yue then sat at the ground to rest. Continuously attacking the man's spear and sending that last attack drained her spiritual energy. If the man was able to dodge the attack, she would have lost.

"Great sword skills little miss. You passed the test with flying colors." The man said to Mu Yue before writing on his notebook.