School Details

When the group arrived at the center of the school, they saw that a lot of students have already arrived. An old man was standing in an elevated platform, his gaze landing at the students.

"The time given to all of you has ended. All the students that are not here will receive their punishment! All instructors, go around the school area. Bring those disobedient students here." The old man shouted. The instructors quickly followed the order and split up to search.

After five minutes, 17 students were brought back. Due to not yielding to the instructors, some of them were beaten up.

"Seventeen students… Do you think the school announcement is a joke?! Now that you are here, you will now receive your punishments. For one month you will not receive any resources from the school. In addition to this, you all will receive a major warning. If you are caught doing trouble again, you will be expelled."

"This is the Zongying School of Cultivation. We nourish the talents of the young generation however without your own hard work, everything will be for nothing. This area is only the tip of the iceberg of the real Zongying School. When you reach Foundation Establishment, only then we would regard you as a student of Zongying."

"All of you must reach the Foundation Establishment stage within two years. Failure to do so will result in expulsion. The real Zongying will also not accept you. This is what we expect to the students of this school."

"For the resources every month, 500 points will be given to the normal students. For those of the elite and special classes, every increase in rank has an increase of 10 points. The rank 1 student will receive 1500 points. A normal student can join the elite class by ranking to the top 100. Elite students can become a special student if they are comparable to the special students and passed a test. Special students will be kicked out of the special class if they did not live up to our expectations."

"Every month, there will be a contest to fight for the rankings. The instructors will tell you about the other things you need to know."

After the principal ended his speech, the teachers grouped the students. A group of the special class, two groups of the elite class, and multiple for the normal class were made. They then led their groups to go around the campus, giving details about the different things that the school has.

"I will now explain the various perks of being in a special class. The seven of you can directly be taught by a teacher one on one. The other students will only be taught when their classes start and at most ask the teacher some question regarding their cultivation"

The group then arrived at a building that has the name "Points Exchange". The instructor then explains, "This building is where you can exchange your points for any item in the lists. Cultivation resources, materials, as well as items made by the auxiliary profession can be found here. You can also use your points to buy time on using the Cultivation Pagoda, 100 points for 1 hour of use. The points cannot be given away, only the items you exchange can be."

"The only way to get points is by receiving it monthly or doing the test of will power and test of energy control. You can also receive them as rewards from the school." The instructor added.

After going around the school area, Xiao Yan then asked the instructor, "Are there school tournaments? When will they happen?"

"There will be a tournament that will be attended by all schools of this continent six months later. Before that, the school will have a separate tournament to determine who gets to represent the school." The instructor replied.

"So basically, our main goal is to reach the Foundation Establishment. The tests and rankings will be the source of points to speed up our cultivation while the tournament is the only event we will experience during our stay." Jun Qing said.

"Yes, those summaries it all. All the interesting things that will happen will only start when you reach Foundation Establishment. This is basically your preparation stage. "

The instructor has already explained what the students needed to know so he just dismissed them and let them do what they want.

Xiao Yan then asked Mu Yue, "You wanted to be a Spell Cultivator right?"

"Yes, it's one of my goals I wanted to achieve during our stay here."

"Then follow me, I'll take you to the best teacher you can ask for!"