Mu Yue's Spell Teacher?

"Where are we going, Xiao Yan?" Mu Yue asked.

Xiao Yan just continued walking ahead of Mu Yue. She then saw an instructor and asked, "Where can I find the principal?"

The instructor then glanced at Xiao Yan and said," Why do want to look for the principal?"

Seeing that this instructor didn't recognize her, she had no choice but to take an emblem from her storage ring. She showed it to the instructor and asked, "Can you tell me now where the principal is?"

The instructor was shocked to see the emblem. He then politely said, "Young miss, the principal is in his room. I can lead the way if you wish."

"Alright, please lead the way."

The group arrived in front of a small building. The instructor then went to talk with the principal's assistant and left.

"Hello young miss, what business do you have here?" asked the assistant.

"Is the principal inside?"

"Yes, but he is currently busy."

Xiao Yan didn't care if the principal was busy and went in front of the door of his room. She then opened the door and saw the principal sitting, doing some paperwork.

"Long time no see, old man. That was a nice gift you gave me." Xiao Yan said in a sarcastic tone.

The old man glanced at her and said," Glad you liked the gift. The girl with you should be Mu Yue right?"

"Oh? Now that you knew her this will be easy. I'm here to make you personally teach her." Xiao Yan then dragged the shocked Mu Yue inside the room.

"Why would I agree to your demand?" The old man stopped what he was doing.

"Well... I knew you promised my grandfather that you will not give me any preferential treatment except teaching me. I wonder what he would do when you decided to do the opposite instead…" Xiao Yan smiled. Seeing this, Mu Yue realized the 'someone' who Xiao Yan wants to take revenge to was the principal.

"Tsk fine! Using your grandfather to threaten me, what a dirty move. However, I can only teach her for a month. If she wants to continue being my student, she has to break through to the Foundation Establishment stage in a year. Let her read the books about the sword cultivators first." The old man gave in to Xiao Yan's threat.

"Who told you I want you to teach her about being a sword cultivator? Even her sword skills are better than yours. You're a Spell Cultivator, naturally, I want you to teach her spells."

"Huh? She has an ice affinity, right? It cannot be used on the sword, why bother learning spells." The old man questioned.

Xiao Yan then faced Mu Yue, "It's time for you to talk."

Mu Yue answered the old man's question, "I could have the sword for close combat and my Ice for support. Learning spells will increase my combat capability as well as make me more adaptable to different types of combat."

"That's a good answer, but the path you are going to walk is unlike the other sword cultivators that also learned spell casting. In the later levels, they merge their elemental affinity to their sword skills which increases the sword's speed and damage. The way you describe what you wanted is telling me that you wish to learn two separate things and not merging them to one." The old man explained.

"Yes, what I wanted is that. Is it possible?" Mu Yue asked.

"It is possible but there are restrictions on which cultivators can do so. If it was simple, every Spell Cultivator would have done the same. Most of the restrictions refer to the body of a cultivator. I will now explain to you why."

"The conversion of the spiritual energy to elemental energy happens in our cultivation base. Casting is the act of conversion. Spell Cultivators temper their bodies so that the body will be used to the presence of elemental energy. All cultivators can cast spells but when they reach the foundation establishment, their body will be tempered to a specific profession."

"When Spell Cultivators temper their body, the body will increase its tolerance of elemental energy in exchange for weaker physical capabilities. The only way they can use spiritual energy is to repair the body or cover it like a suit increasing their speed and strength. Because their bodies are already weak, the increase in speed and strength is low. This is why they cannot be a Body or Weapon Cultivator.

Body Cultivators temper their body with spiritual energy which increases their physical strength in exchange for not being able to wield elemental energy. In the process of tempering their body, the way they refine their spiritual energy changes, turning it to an energy that is used by their bodies. They can solidify their spiritual energy, like an extension of their body to be their weapon.

Weapon Cultivators temper their bodies to be able to convert the spiritual energy to another type of energy. We refer to it as Weapon Qi. An example of this would be sword Qi. They then use their spiritual energy to support their body, like increasing speed or strength temporarily. "

"Do you still wish to learn spells?"