The Feng's Secret Technique

The principal forbade the two girls to wander around the city. Because of this, Xiao Yan was depressed. She planned to use the other days to try to have a good date, yet here they are, stuck in their room.

"Ahhhhhh! Staying here is too boring..." Xiao Yan sighed. The lodgings that were given to them was just an inn with rooms. Going out of the inn and it will be the street.

"Then do you want to go to the training site? We will go out of the inn but it isn't wandering around so the principal can't scold us." Mu Yue suggested. She was fine staying in the room as she was still reading her manual.

"No, I'm sure that the same thing will happen. The training site is a public space, and with our beauty, those moths will surely be attracted to us." Xiao Yan explained. Then she thought of something and grinned.

She approached Mu Yue, took her manual, and placed it away. Now that Mu Yue's attention was at her, she then muttered, "Our beauty attracts too many eyes, Mu Yue. Truly a match made in heaven. Now let me have my fill of you."

"What are you talking about, Xiao Yan?" After saying this, Mu Yue reaches for the book.

"You are too open! Prepare for my attack!" Xiao Yan shouted as she pounced towards Mu Yue.

"Heavenly tickling technique!"

This technique was passed down generation to generation on Xiao Yan's family. Using everything she learned, her fingers crawled all over Mu Yue's body, making sure to strike all her tickle spots.

"HAHA, X-Xiao Yan... S-stop it!!!" Mu Yue can't stop laughing because of Xiao Yan's tickle.

"You are too serious, Mu Yue! It is rare to see you laugh. So I'll do this until I'm no longer bored!" Xiao Yan continued, this time she used the more advanced phase of the technique.

"HA I-m S-sor- HAHA P-please STAHP! C-can't take it anymore HAHA" Tears were falling out of Mu Yue's eyes. She would have looked pitiful if not for the constant laughing that she was doing.

"What did you say, Mu Yue? I can't hear it because of your laugh." Xiao Yan teasingly said.

Mu Yue wanted to strike Xiao Yan down so she could stop but she can't bear to do it since it was just some tickling.

"S-sto HAp, M-my throat HArt already! HAHA" She was now begging yet Xiao Yan was still having fun and has no plans to stop yet.

"Hehe. Hopefully, your body is prepared for more, Mu Yue. This is just the second phase!" Xiao Yan laughed.

"Noooooooooo HAHA" Mu Yue said in despair, yet laughed at the end. The current Xiao Yan was the scariest version she has ever seen. Her body can't stop reacting to Xiao Yan's touch.

After a while, both of them were tired and were currently lying on the bed. Mu Yue was tired because of the laughing, and twitching of her body. Xiao Yan, on the other hand, was now low on spiritual energy. The technique used spiritual energy for maximum effectiveness.

"How is it, Mu Yue? It's one of the secret techniques of my family." Xiao Yan asked. She was currently hugging Mu Yue.

Mu Yue's head was on Xiao Yan's chest. She couldn't reply because her voice was hoarse from all the laughing she did.

She just sent some light punches towards Xiao Yan's body. These didn't hurt Xiao Yan as they were more like taps rather than punches.

"Aiya, forgive me Mu Yue. I just wanted to make you laugh." Xiao Yan chuckled. She didn't expect that the technique will be so effective against Mu Yue. Seeing the result, she planned to perfectly learn the technique.

Of course, she already experienced what Mu Yue felt. Her mother was the one who did it to her and was also the one who taught her. In fact, they even had the technique written in a precious scroll. It was also together with the other valuable techniques of the family.

"Don't do it agai-mmm" Before Mu Yue finished talking, Xiao Yan hugged her tightly.

"Don't speak. Your voice is hoarse and you must avoid speaking to let it recover. Understand?"

Mu Yue just nodded. She was truly exhausted so she quickly fell asleep. Xiao Yan was not that tired to feel sleepy so she just observed Mu Yue.

"Every moment with you makes me happy, Mu Yue." Xiao Yan mumbled as she strokes Mu Yue's hair.