Tournament Start

After resting, the two of them went to the dining room to eat their lunch. They were currently eating in the same table as the other juniors of their school.

"You two looked tired. Is there something that caused it?" Liu Yang asked. She was rather perceptive about these kinds of things.

"Nope, we just did some activities in bed." Xiao Yan replied casually.

This shocked the others. Fei Hong even choked while drinking water.

*Cough* *Cough* "You two were already there?!" Fei Hong asked in a loud voice. The feeling of your friends advancing in their relationship yet you yourself haven't even started yet.

"We are lovers so there is nothing wrong." Xiao Yan purposely said it like this. This made Mu Yue blush.

"Hoh, how does it feel Mu Yue?" Jun Qing asked. He noticed Mu Yue's reaction and was now curious.

"Mu Yue can't talk yet as she hurt her throat while doing it. Ah, that experience was lovely." Xiao Yan answered. She also acted like she was reminiscing about the event.

This made the others started losing their appetite. With Mu Yue being silent, they thought she was silently agreeing. Even if she could not speak, she must at least made some noise right?

Well, Xiao Yan already whispered something which made Mu Yue silent. If it was not because of this, she would have already corrected Xiao Yan's responses.

"Damnit you two! You fed me so much dog food. How can my stomach still have the space to eat lunch?!" Fei Hong shouted.

"You all were the ones who started it. I was only replying to your questions." Xiao Yan remarked.

"Can you share your experiences? Of course, only when we three are alone." Liu Yang asked.

"I can talk about it here."

When Xiao Yan said this, all of them stopped what they were doing and gave their full attention to what Xiao Yan was going to say.

"I tickled her for a long time HAHA! She laughed so hard that she also hurt her throat."

This made the others become speechless. She said so much and it was only tickles. They were disappointed and then continued eating.

"You guys have an imaginative mind! The look of your faces makes me laugh! HAHAHA!"

Mu Yue tugs Xiao Yan's clothes to stop her from laughing. The one who was embarrassed was her.

"What you did is too much, Xiao Yan. I even wanted to know how it felt." Liu Yang said. It was then she saw Mu Yue shaking her head, clearly warning her about it.

"On second thought, you can have Mu Yue experience it by herself alone. You two are lovers and things must stay within yourselves."

"Indeed, I'm planning to do what you just said. I'll make sure to improve my techniques."

Mu Yue despaired. She just wanted to save someone, yet she dug her own grave.

Mu Yue used the rest of the day to read the manual. She also made sure to ignore Xiao Yan as payback.

The next day, the principal led the students towards the tournament site. He already registered his students and they only need to retrieve their Identity Plates.

"Here are your Identity Plates. These plates should be worn at all times when inside the tournament venue. Losing it will disqualify you from being a participant." The tournament staff said while giving the plates.

It was the first day of the tournament and there was a short ceremony at the start. All the other schools were already inside, waiting for it to start. Their students were lined up according to their year, with the teachers and principal in front.

The king of each kingdom will also be attending. There was a room where the three of them sat side by side. The king of Tai Ming Kingdom was in the middle while the other two were at his sides.

There were also a lot of people that occupied the seats. It cost some gold to attend which could reduce the expenses of the host. There were betting areas where gamblers can place their bets.

The king of Tai Ming Kingdom stood up and gave his speech.

"Another year which means a new tournament for the students to compete. I request all the students to give it their all. Only with fighting can someone become a successful cultivator!"

"The first step to let everyone know of your name! Become the new generation's bests! Become the pride of your schools!"