Junior's Tournament (7)

While Xiao Yan was busy clearing up her name and her loyalty to Mu Yue, Liu Yang had been setting up a tier 1 array that the examiner ordered them to do. The protection array was the easiest to set up as well as the most challenging one. Beginner array masters had to first learn this so everyone in the group could make one, but mastering the creation of this was the toughest to do.

Someone with less experience will create a weak protective array, while those that mastered it could withstand some upper tier attacks. Fortunately, Liu Yang aimed to be able to help the group more in survivability so she made sure to learn this well. She ranked the first in this session while two of the students was eliminated because of their weak array.

"This is unfair! It was the most basic stuff that we learn so we moved on to those that are more difficult to become a better array master. Not like that girl who just coincidentally learned the array more than us, even ranking first for the session!" One of the eliminated students yelled while pointing at Liu Yang.

Liu Yang was disheartened by this. 'That student might have a point, it was just me being lucky.'

It was not the same for the examiner as he shouted, "Basic you say but you haven't even mastered it. And you dare to use your crappy array to protect your friends?! You people are still young and your goal is to survive first before becoming stronger. The better the protective array, the better chance you have at living!"

That student's array was not that bad if compared to the average students yet it really was a far match to what Liu Yang made. As for why it was important to have to learn this array well, it could potentially act as a life-saving item.

What was meant was the one-time use ready-made arrays. They could instantly start an array when you activate this stuff. However, the stronger the array is, the rarer the materials were needed to create the array plate.

A mastered tier 1 protection array was on par to a middle quality tier 2 protection array. It also uses lesser materials to create one.

"If you do not know then I will kindly tell you! Those Array Masters that you look up to always do their best to master an array they learn. What's the point on learning something but won't do it all the way?! " The examiner was displeased. Such a simple fact and this so called best of their school students do not know? If he just did not pick the short end of a straw, he wouldn't even be here dealing with this ridiculousness! That was why luck is important too.

The student who complained was embarrassed but had to at least save face. Noticing that this student will continue his nonsense, the examiner signaled another cultivator who appeared behind that guy and knocked the student out. The guy was passed out when he was handed to their school.

Meanwhile, Liu Yang felt better when she heard this. At least it meant that whatever that student spouted was false so she should not believe what that student said.

"I warn you all that if you do that again, we will also knock you out! Continuing, set up a…"

As the examiner gave out more work for the student's to do, they all easily tired out. This was to Liu Yang's advantage as she was used to doing tiring stuff.

She was ranked third for the competition. The reason for her loss was her lack of time to learn the other kinds of array. She was already the best and most knowledgeable of her school, but she still loss out to the other geniuses.

Coming back to her group, she was congratulated by the others as the first one to have a rank as well as reaching third place. When she went near the yuri couple, only Mu Yue sent her congratulations. Xiao Yan, on the other hand, did not even look at her as she was sitting at a chair, looking at the ground.

"Is there something wrong with Xiao Yan?" Liu Yang asked with a worried look.

"Nothing, she was just preparing as she will compete in the next portion." Mu Yue reasoned. She could not tell her that Xiao Yan was actually avoiding her for some time as a sign of Xiao Yan's loyalty to Mu Yue.