Junior's Tournament (8)

"The students that will participate in the Alchemist's competition, please proceed to the middle platform."

Xiao Yan stood up, went near Mu Yue, hugged, and kissed her. She then went directly to the middle platform like someone who was afraid of staying any longer.

Well, she was actually quite mad when instead of being repeatedly 'claimed', she had to convince Mu Yue that she was only hers alone. She wanted to see that side of Mu Yue but she ended up in a pitiful state.

'Mu Yue's so hard to convince! Do I look like someone who easily gets attracted to other girls? I have to win this and use one command to teach her a lesson! Also, I better not give her any stupid ideas as she actually takes them seriously.'

Alchemist was the first profession she learned. It uses a lot of theories so she already learned a lot when she was a child. She even had the talent for it and easily applied most of what she learned into practice.

She also learned the mainstream pill recipes for tier 1. She knows how to do the simplest tier 2 pills which could be an advantage.

She was sure that if there was no problem, she will surely win this. Well, she doesn't know the other's capabilities but it shouldn't be that hard.

As they went to their own platforms, Xiao Yan summoned her flame.

Red hot flames erupted from the ground, some covered her body yet did not do any damage. Slowly, the flames formed a lump in her palms and formed the shape of a lotus flower.

It was a brilliant sight which attracted most of the attention of the spectators. As they see the flames form together, the crowd exclaimed.

"She owns a unique flame!"

"What?! She's just a student yet has a flame that is comparable to those old men!"

"She's definitely winning this fight if she decided to reveal that!"

Of course, the gazes of those cultivators with greedy eyes landed on the flame as they thought of their plans.

Meanwhile, the principal had a headache after he saw this, "They really gave it to her! And that brat actually took it out in front of the crowd. Is she out of her mind?!"

He then calmed down and took out a talisman. He spoke some words before pocketing it again.

Mu Yue saw how the flames were summoned and was amazed of the sight. The flames suited Xiao Yan, appearance-wise. When she heard the crowd's yells, she was saddened as she was reminded of the difference of their wealth.

"Will I be able to be her equal when I reach the Core Formation Stage? It looks like I would need more time to be able to even get the right to at least be able to stand beside he." She mumbled as she looked at Xiao Yan who was forming a pill.

Xiao Yan finished creating the first pill and proceeded to do the next. She just asked what would be the next pill to create as she doesn't want to waste time waiting for the others.

She just continuously finish making the pills that were tasked to her by the examiner. She even made it to the last recipe, it was a rare one so she had to follow the recipe's instructions carefully. She did succeed in making it but was only able to produce one good pill from the materials that was supposed to form seven pills.

As an alchemist get's experience on making pills, the pills produced per session will also increase. A set of material could form several pills if the alchemist was good.

The examiner was surprised to see that Xiao Yan succeeded on her first try. Even though it was only one pill, it was already good as the difficulty was comparable to tier 2 pills.

Xiao Yan's opponents were tired of forming the pills. They thought that they will win the fight so they looked at the expression of the examiner. They saw him looking towards a direction and when they followed his gaze, they saw an opponent who already finished all the pills.

They were concentrated on forming as much pills as possible and only noticed Xiao Yan's work while they were resting. The third pill just finished and yet there was somebody who already finished all tasks?

"Perhaps this was too much?"

Xiao Yan mumbled. She got too fired up as she wanted to win for that one command reward. She just thought that she had to finish all of the tasks as fast as possible so no one could question her of her rightful place of being first.