
Mu Yue opens her eyes and stared at the ceiling.

'Ah, it happened again… Since I'm back at the inn, the tournament should have ended. I'm sure our school got the first place with all the points we got, and Xiao Yan must have also won and became the top rank.'

She doesn't know what time of the day it is but since she no longer have anything that needed her participation, she can lie down for as long as she wanted. Still, it was weird that Xiao Yan wasn't there when she woke up.

She decided to get up to look for her yet she can't seem to move her limbs? It felt that something was on her wrists and legs so she decided to look at it.

Her limbs was currently tied to the bed by some blankets. She did not panic as she was 100% sure this was the room she and Xiao Yan was staying at. She also refrained from tearing these restraints since they will cost her money.

She did try to struggle, hoping that it will come off but it did not. Seeing that it was pointless to continue struggling, she decided to wait for Xiao Yan.

After a while, the door opens and she saw Xiao Yan entering the room holding a bowl.

"Xiao Yan, can you take these restraints off of me?" Mu Yue asked. If it was some normal ropes, she could try to use everything she have to cut it. However, she cannot do the same to the blankets as it was a waste to destroy them.

"Oh! You are awake." Xiao Yan exclaimed as she puts the bowl on top of a mini-table beside their bed.

She stares at Mu Yue and a smile appeared on her face. She was currently thinking, 'Feed her first or do it now?'

Mu Yue felt that Xiao Yan was staring at her like a predator staring at it's prey. She had thought of the things Xiao Yan would normally do on this circumstance. She did not like the things she thought of.

Xiao Yan approaches Mu Yue which caused the latter to tensed up. Mu Yue then trembled when Xiao Yan's hand touched her skin.

'She's so cute when she's like this.' Xiao Yan thought.

She also wondered if she had done a lot of 'things' that caused Mu Yue to become like this with just a touch. Should she feel happy on what she's currently seeing or become sad because of it.

Xiao Yan slowly brought her hand to Mu Yue's cheeks and asked, "Are you cold? You are trembling too much."

Before Mu Yue can answer, Xiao Yan joined her in the bed. She hugged her while saying, "I'll warm you up with my hug."

Mu Yue slowly relaxes as she feel the warmth of Xiao Yan. She still expected the latter to do something but Xiao Yan just adjusted the restraints, just enough for the latter to sit.

"Mu Yue, sit while your back leans on the pillows and wall. I will feed you before the food gets cold."

Xiao Yan blew air on the spoon that has hot soup. She then fed Mu Yue after it cooled down without the latter getting burnt.

"I can do this myself, Xiao Yan. You just have to remove this restraints." Mu Yue said. Although Xiao Yan adjusted them, she still cannot freely move her hands.

"Just let me feed you."

"Then what's with the restraints?"

"That is for another reason."

After emptying the food in the bowl, Xiao Yan then puts a cup of water to Mu Yue's lips for her to drink.

"Hoh, this was really a good experience to have." Xiao Yan said.

No rigorous activities before eating so she chats with Mu Yue to pass time.

"Mu Yue, I can command you for 3 times and you also have to let me take a bath with you."

"Yes, and I can also command you once. Although it's a waste, I command you to-"

Xiao Yan covered Mu Yue's mouth. She knows what she will say and she does not want that.


"Shhhh… I will remove my hand but don't continue what you were saying okay? Nod if you agree."

Instead, Mu Yue shakes her head. She wants to get away from this place already.

"Tsk tsk, are you sure you want to do that? Well, whatever you do will not change my mind anyways. Since you have rested from eating, I guess it's time for me to start."