Telling the Truth

Xiao Yan then kissed Mu Yue on the lips and said, "Please relax and enjoy what I will do."

"A-are you sure that I will enjoy it?"

"Maybe! I don't know."

Xiao Yan wanted to cover Mu Yue's mouth with a handkerchief and also adjust the restraints, only allowing the latter to lie down. But she figured that would be too much and decided to leave it as it is.

"Mu Yue, from now on, I would like you to avoid becoming what you were yesterday on your fight with that Zheng Sheng guy."

"Why? Although it affects my mind a bit, I easily recover after some rest."

"I just felt that there's something wrong whenever you became like that. Not that I forbid you on doing it but as much as possible, restrain yourself."


Now that she had said that, Xiao Yan can now start having fun!

"Mu Yue, I like you very very much! So… I will just tickle you for a bit!"

"I-if you l-like me, p-please don't do that!" Mu Yue was now scared. She knows nothing good will happen when Xiao Yan mentioned enjoyment. Does laughing equals to enjoying? No!

Xiao Yan pounces on Mu Yue and the latter kept on moving, hoping for Xiao Yan to miss her tickle spots.

She kept on moving that Xiao Yan had to hold her head and kiss her to make her stop. There were other ways but Xiao Yan just like this.

Xiao Yan was just on top of Mu Yue. Her lips did not leave Mu Yue's until the latter completely stopped.

"Scared so much?! Haha, I know you hate it so I won't do that." Xiao Yan said.

"Hmph!" Mu Yue hurrumphed, not fond of Xiao Yan scaring her.

"Mu Yue, answer me honestly. Do I do things too much? Like do you hate me when… um…" Xiao Yan stopped talking.

"When what?"

Xiao Yan then mumbled, "I-I like seeing you suffer. Of course only if it's done by me. W-well, ay. Do you hate me now?"

Xiao Yan intended to do some 'things' but decided not to when she saw Mu Yue tensed and trembled earlier. Has she been doing things that only herself was enjoying but Mu Yue was not?

She intended to have a good, healthy relationship. But due to her wishing to enjoy the moments, she might have gone too far and made it a toxic relationship. She felt guilty about it.

Mu Yue saw Xiao Yan's genuine sad look. She knows the latter can fake faces but she wants to believe that she was really sad and was not a fake.

She then places her forehead to Xiao Yan's with great difficulty and closed her eyes. "Maybe you might have gone too far. I should be mad at you but I can't. No, not that I can't but I chose not to. I could but despite these 'suffering', I enjoy being with you, every single moment. Besides, you haven't hurt me. You just tickled me until I was tired or tease me but you never abused me."

She opens her eyes and continued, "Do you think you have made me suffer? That is cute of you. Well if you want to atone, maybe I should do to you what you did to me."

"I believed that you will never let me suffer with all the pampering you did to me. I know that you enjoyed seeing others suffer but you subconsciously do not do it to me even if you kept on saying that you want to, right?"

Xiao Yan teared up with all of this. "Damn it, you are making me cry! I was suppose to be the one to make you cry, not the other way around."

Mu Yue just lets the girl be like this. She wanted to pat her at the back but then remembered that she was currently restrained.

"Can you remove this restraints after you recover?"

"Sure, just let me cry for some more *hicc*"

"Can you go to the sides? You are heavy and is squashing my body."

"Oh okay… wait… I am heavy?"

"Mhm, you are on top of me and my body is going numb." Mu Yue replied not realizing that she messed up.

Xiao Yan wipes off her tears and smiled, "Hehehe, ah I see... I think you should stay restrained. I have changed my mind, I'll give you the punishments."