A Little Chat

"Oh Xiao Yan you are back now. Just in time for lunch."

"Yep, I did as promised."

Mu Yue then grabbed her hands and dragged her, "I found a good place to have lunch."

Xiao Yan was dragged to a quite hidden or not visited often, area of the inn. Their inn was a courtyard, so it was much bigger than the common ones. The area was surrounded by plants and also have quite the shade. Despite the time being noon, the temperature was not high.

Xiao Yan also noticed that there was only one table and two chairs in the area. She then asked, "Are you planning on doing something? The place is also peaceful. How did you find this anyway?"

"I was looking for a good spot to cultivate and had a chance of going here." Mu Yue replied. She will not tell Xiao Yan that she asked the owners for a good area that partners can use to have lunch on. She also removed the other tables and chairs, making sure that only one set remains

"Sit first as I will retrieve the food and drinks."

Xiao Yan was currently sitting and saw Mu Yue go back and forth. She then said, "You could have just requested somebody to bring those."

Mu Yue actually forgot that she can do that so she just gave a random reason. "I want us to be alone…"

"Eh? You are now the one who is starting the advances huh."

"W-what? We are just eating."

"Sure sure, I believe you."

Xiao Yan smelled the aroma of the food and instantly knew that these were cooked by Mu Yue. Her reason? Gut feeling.

"Ohhhh! Your cooking skills are improving, Mu Yue."

"A-actually… only the barbequed meat was made by me. The rest was made by the chef…"

Xiao Yan was embarrassed. Her gut feeling was partially right, but it still was a bad timing of a praise.

She took a barbequed meat and ate it. "Delicious! As expected of you, Mu Yue."

"You have been saying that since the second time I cooked."

"Is that so? W-well, it really is tasty… Then umm, good choice of food and drinks! The best for a romantic lunch."

"I asked Liu Yang for advice…"


Xiao Yan ran out of praises.

"Anything else that you will say to me, Xiao Yan?" Mu Yue asked. Should she have prepared all of it? She felt sad when the praises were not directed to what she did.

"I was actually just messing with you, Mu Yue hahaha. You look good on your clothes. Shame, I wasn't able to change mine." Xiao Yan said. Luckily, she noticed that Mu Yue was wearing a dress, which was not normal.

"Thank you. I was the one who dragged you here so there is no problem of you just wearing casual clothes."

Xiao Yan then mumbled, "Also…"

"Also what?"

"The food is delicious but you are tastier."

"T-that is unrelated."

The two girls ate while occasionally chatting with each other.

Mu Yue asked, "What thing did you receive? Since you went somewhere."

"Oh… that. Just some equipment that I will use. There is also things that I can absorb as well as money for me."

"Is it nice to have a family?"

Xiao Yan stopped when she heard this. She then asked back, "Does the principal fails the job of being a father?"

"It's not like that. I was just curious since I did not have parents when I was young. I did have a grandma but I wanted to know the difference of having parents. It is also because I heard from the principal that parents sell their child for power or money."

"It was nice. I have loving parents and protective brothers. I am free to do what I want since they will support me. No one also get sold since we have all the money and power we will ever need."

"I see… Xiao Yan, do you think my parents abandoned me? I was found in the forest, and I can't think of a reason that they will do that. Was there something wrong with me?"

"No, you are perfect in my eyes. Also, there are still the other rare reasons on why you were left there."

"Such as?"

"Maybe they hid you temporarily and was planning to come back. But you were already gone when they were back. Or, they were being chased so again, they left you there so you won't get implicated."

Mu Yue just hummed. If it's the first one, they should have found her after a while. If they were being chased, unless no one survived, someone should have looked for her.