Mu Yue's Advancement

"Mu Yue, are you prepared to do yours?"

"Yes, Xiao Yan. I just have to make sure I do it in the right time."

"Oh? When is the right time?"

"When it is a full moon and it is at its peak."

Xiao Yan was concerned while continuing to chat with Mu Yue. It was the time for Mu Yue to advance to the Foundation Establishment. After she finish, they will be able to go to the ZongYing that their seniors attends.

It was already three months since the tournament and they have been focusing on their cultivation. Xiao Yan was already done advancing to the next stage. She did it earlier by two weeks.

Mu Yue had to wait for some days before there will be a full moon. As for why this is needed, the Lunar Cultivation Method told her that advancing on that time will have the highest chance of success and the benefits of advancing will be better. It was good for her that the Lunar Cultivation Method has all the knowledge she needs to advance until the Celestial stage.

The time has come for Mu Yue to advance. Her father and Xiao Yan was worried so they made sure to be near so they could act if there is an unexpected situation.

Zhi Li looked at Mu Yue and said, "The most important thing to do is to make sure that you did the process well, and not how fast you did it. Don't worry about anything else as we will be nearby to guard you. Just for this time, give your full concentration to advancing as this was one part of cultivation that will dictate your future."

Xiao Yan gave Mu Yue a kiss. She then hugged her while saying, "Good Luck to you, Mu Yue. I'm sure that with your strength and potential, you will be able to do it."

"Thank you, Father and Xiao Yan. I'll start it now." Mu Yue smiled at them.

The area she chose where she will advance was the same one she was using on the past months when she is cultivating. It was hidden but the moonlight still shines on it. The area was also quiet, a good thing for her concentration.

While Mu Yue was advancing, Xiao Yan was looking and observing her worriedly. Zhi Li saw this and smiled.

"If it was in the past, you doing that expression would be weird."

"It's Mu Yue so this is normal."

"Yes, it's the reason. In fact, I've been wondering since the two of you entered in a relationship. You are rich and have a powerful background. You could have made an orphan a slave of yours or you could have tricked Mu Yue, effectively brainwashing the child."

"If I did that, will she show her affection to me? Most likely not since she would have hated me to the point that she will kill me when shown an opportunity. Besides, I like seeing her free and giving genuine emotions. I'm sick and tired of seeing fakes."

"As if you don't do that. All of us knows that you always show a facade. Although I didn't know that you swing this way. Was it because of what happened?"

"A facade to face the fakers. As for the reason why I was able to love Mu Yue, that event might have made me avoid males. Still, the best reason would be that I can't bear to lose her."

"And when the time comes that she will go apart from you?"

"I'll restrain her. I'll do anything that I could to keep her with me. Even if I made her a slave or brainwashed her."

"You are contradicting yourself. I thought you wanted her to be free."

"Desperate times need desperate measures. Anyway, me being with Mu Yue has a higher priority than anything else. It's normal for me to do anything for that."

It was then that the surrounding temperature lowered. The felt the coldness and looked to the source which was Mu Yue. The ground near her started to freeze. Fortunately, she was not affected.

Xiao Yan can't help but worry, "Will she be alright?"

"You don't have to worry as this is normal. She has an ice affinity as well as Extreme Yin Constitution. In fact, this will get more worse." Zhi Li explained.

He then added, "You changing expressions made me look at you as someone that is weird."

Xiao Yan heard this and chuckled, "I was always like this. Always has been."