Basic Knowledge

"Just go inside and check the room. It has the most basic furnitures and they are all cleaned well. The old blankets and the like were already thrown away and changed to brand new ones. There is only one bed inside the room but you girls should be able to fit in there." The principal said as he opened the door to the building.

He then faced them and mentioned, "The room has B – 19 on the door, its one of the farthest room on the second floor. Make sure to meet me in my office after you two are done. I still need to tell you two the informations that should be known."

The building looks like those of ancient chinese architecture. It only has two floors with only bedrooms and bathrooms.

Mu Yue and Xiao Yan went to look for their room. As the principal said, their room was at the end of a hallway.

"The room is large enough for the two of us. There is only one bed but its almost as large as the two side by side beds we were using. The only problem is that I prefer to live in a building that is occupied by students of similar age with not much people." Mu Yue muttered as they check the room. She got used to their old room where there was only her classmates living in the building.

"The principal said that he will look for a new room. We will only stay for a night so this should be enough." Xiao Yan said as she jumped towards the bed. She then added, "The bed is also better than the ones we were using."

They did not need to leave any luggage as their storage rings has enough space to store them. After staying in the room for a while, the two went outside the building to look for the principal.

They did not meet any teachers when they were going out of the building. Fortunately, they met a student who they asked for the location of the principal's office.

Inside his office, Zhi Li was looking at the teachers in front of him. "Make sure to remember what I said."

The teachers nodded. They have been called here as soon as the principal arrived in the site.

"Alright, dismiss."

On the way, Mu Yue and Xiao Yan saw the teachers walking away from the office.

"So that's why we can't find any teachers. The old man called for them." Xiao Yan said as the two of them enters the office.

"You two may sit down. I will now explain what you two should know."

The principal told them of the basic knowledge that every student here knows.

"The rules are simple. First, you cannot fight anywhere except on the selected areas. Second, destroying a private or school property is forbidden. Doing so will have a punishment. Third, act as a human being that has good morals. This depends on the judgement of teachers. I already talked to them and they will not be against you two but they will still be fair."

"The teachers still has their classes but the attendance is not mandatory. The first half of the class would be the teacher explaining the subject, while the next half would be a question and answer portion."

"The school also acts closer to a sect. There is a mission hall which give points for completing missions. These points are the basic currency here."

"Here, only the rankings are followed to see who are the strongest. There is no such thing as special class or privileges…except you two. But the only thing I can grant is that there would be no restrictions for you two on selecting technique, items and other stuff. You would still need to pay for them with points. Also, you two will have the so called 'relative of Zhi Li' perk."

Xiao Yan laughed while Mu Yue asked, "Is that alright for the others? Wouldn't that mean that father is abusing his position?"

"Those official will have no say since I have been the principal for a long time. Anyway, I will only stay for at least 3 years. There might be students who will pick a fight on the two of you for this or other reasons. Feel free to beat them up as I will handle the aftermath." The principal replied. He then continued to give the other details.

"Higher ranking would mean more points. Certain restrictions will be bypassed, but that is of no concern to you two. Everyone is in one ranking so the old and new will not be separated. The school will also only let a student stay for 5 years. There is no giveaway of free points so missions and rankings are very important."