Consequences of Killing

"Also, I am surprised you never puked from these scenes. Last time, your body just shook while holding the sword. After you killed the guy, you just hugged me and tried to forget what happened. That was quite impressive." Xiao Yan mentioned, trying to cheer up Mu Yue.

"Is it really that impressive? Are you praising me for successfully killing people without much fuss?" Mu Yue questioned.

Xiao Yan just smiled and gave her explanation, "The usual reaction would be vomiting or things similar to that when one saw a gory scene. That is what I know and saw. It was fun to see the reactions of my past friends to these kinds of stuff."

"Past friends? Does that mean you are no longer friends with them?"

Xiao Yan nodded. She then remembered some events and told Mu Yue about them.

"Yeah! Those guys were one of those spoiled brats. I never wanted to befriend them but my parents urged me to do it so I would know how to socialize."

"There was one time that our group got attacked by bandits, they freaked out even though we have a lot of guards. They were boring to be with so I went to have some fun cutting those that my subordinates caught. That made them wary of me, a good reason to unfriend them."

"Actually, I was sent to school to have friends. Fighting other students was just another reason to not get bored. Thankfully, the school was not how I thought it was. We could get out and can luckily meet bandits along the way."

Xiao Yan also explained that this was connected to why she befriended Mu Yue. To remove some of her boredom and possibly shape her 'friend' to something she would like. The task failed but it worked somehow.

"Due to you giving me experience on killing, I think I am now used to it... probably. Although I might hesitate on killing those that I deemed not too evil like that guy with a scar, I should be able to kill the more evil ones." Mu Yue explained as the two continue to look for a tier 1 beast. The forest was full of beasts but looking for specific ones might take a while.

Xiao Yan seriously told Mu Yue, "You should change that mindset. Do you know that there are those cultivators that if a mortal badmouthed them, they will immediately torture the mortal to death? Or when a family member did evil, the whole family gets executed? The cultivation world is cruel, although the organizations are trying their best to avoid these scenarios."

"Then should I just kill them when they wanted to do evil things to me? No matter how small it is?"

"Yes and no. It really is up to your own judgment. Sometimes, killing someone to destroy the root is good, while it can also be called killing mercilessly. There is also this scenario that I always laugh at. 'Kill the evil son and you will face his older brother. Kill the older brother then the next ones to appear shall be the father, grandfather, and ancestor. They will even call the soul of a deceased stored in some ancestral shrine just to deal with you.' Isn't that funny? People already are making fun of this but it never stopped on happening, although the cases decreased."

"Then what if someone killed me? What would you do?" Mu Yue asked as she was curious. It's not like she will see it if she already disappeared from this world.

Xiao Yan stopped walking as a sadistic smile creeps onto her face. "First, I'll try my best to revive you. There are numerous ways... I could even go for the dark arts. Second, whoever killed you will take the brunt of my full wrath. I will capture the person and torture him until to the point before he breaks. Then I will capture the person's loved ones and torture and kill them one by one in front of the person. Then I might go insane and become a villain or just straight up kill myself."

"You will kill even the innocents? Also, I would not like you to follow me to the grave if you still have the chance of living..."

"Then make sure you do not die, Mu Yue. I'll do my part, you do yours. *Sigh* All this talk about killing made me want to kill. Let's quickly find some beast, kill them, and rest. We should also sleep together just for the night, I have my subordinates on the lookout anyways. We have been doing it for experience so it should be fine to skip some."