Various Meat to Cook

When the two found a target, both of them quickly hid. It would have been easier if Xiao Yan ordered her subordinates to find one but she likes doing it herself, and to also prefer both her and Mu Yue for the future when no one is there to help.

"So who will go first?" Xiao Yan asked.

"You probably should. You are a spell cultivator and fighting alone would be a difficult task, which is what should be the general knowledge. I know you are better than what I said but let's just put it that way." Mu Yue explained.

"Oh I know I'm better than that. I could fight anyone or even you, anywhere and I would win. Nonetheless, I'm off to fight this... hmm.. weird looking reptile." Xiao Yan said as she casually walked out of her hiding spot which attracted the reptile's attention.

She then commented after seeing it's front appearance, "One horn, two legs, and two smaller arms. I do not know your kind's name but I know you run fast. *Chuckles* I'm in danger..."

The reptile growled as it rotated its body to face Xiao Yan. It then prepares itself before running in a straight line.

Xiao Yan launched a 'Fire Ball' spell towards it. This was meant to deal damage as well as slow down the acceleration of the beast. She also followed up with multiple 'Fire Bolt' spells as much as she can possibly hit it before it reaches her.

A 'Fire Wall' spell would be useless to use here as the enemy is fast. It could just ignore the spell since, with its speed, it will pass through the wall in a short time that there might be no damage inflicted on its body.

Xiao Yan dodged the reptile's charge however, the reptile stretched its arm with long claws that manage to hit the spiritual energy that covers Xiao Yan's body.

"Definitely a bad matchup damn it." Xiao Yan mumbles as she stacks some 'Fire Ball' spells.

Mu Yue saw the reptile closing to her saw she hid even more and hold her breath to not be detected. It was a good practice for Xiao Yan and she must not ruin it.

Xiao Yan has yet to learn how to stack different kinds of simple spells. The best she could do was cast a spell, and before she finishes casting it, she would launch the other spell. This would look that she launched both at the same time.

Two 'Fire Ball' spell exploded on the beast followed by four more 'Fire Bolt' spells. The reptile's skin has some presence of scales which protected it from fire to a certain extent. If Ice, earth, lightning and possible wind spells hit it, the damaged might have been more.

Fortunately for Xiao Yan, the beasts were still growing up and the scales were not that tough yet. Some skin also has no presence of scale which were the most damaged areas.

After some dodging, blocking, and kiting, Xiao Yan successfully defeated the beast. Mu Yue came out of hiding and looked at the burnt corpse of the reptile.

'Most of the meat should have been burnt... At least some remains which would be enough for me to have a taste of lizard meat.'

"Hah... That fight was tough. The reptile was just too fast. Only when it's approaching me could I attack it as I will likely miss if I did not do it that way." Xiao Yan said as she took a rest under the shade of a tree.

Mu Yue was sad as she pokes the corpse with a stick. "Most of the meat got burnt. I could probably only cook a single dish out of it. Does it count as a lizard?"

"Hm? I think so. Dragons count as one so that should do too. Are you really planning on cooking that?"

"Yes. I have heard that lizard meat is quite tasty. I also plan on getting some frog meat."

"F-frog meat?! Are you sure those are edible, Mu Yue?"

"They said that it tastes close to bird meat. Have you never tried one?"

"I haven't... Even the lizard meat, I haven't eaten that. I mostly stick to the common type of meat."

Mu Yue grinned when she heard this. "Then I should probably prepare some interesting things. I need to do my homework."

She has heard of bugs and worms being cooked. Those were rare as there is plenty of beasts to hunt in the wilderness but she was just curious about how they taste like. She will not be the one to cook it as she has no experience.