Controlling Ice


Zhi Li glanced at the door and saw Mu Yue entering. "Do you need anything?"

"I need guidance on my ice control. I do not have any references. I'm here hoping you could give me some advice." Mu Yue replied.

"Alright, go sit first. I need some time to finish this paperwork."

The 'some time' became a full hour. Mu Yue just took a nap instead to not waste time.

Zhi Li then went near Mu Yue and woke her up. "Wake up now. Sorry, it took a while but I am now ready to give a guide."

The two then went to an open area.

"Mu Yue, can you let me see how much progress you have with your ice?"

Mu Yue complied and created some ice. It was slow but at least it did not get interrupted which might result in destroying the process that could also give a backlash.

"Can I have that Ice spike you made?" The principal asked.

Mu Yue nodded and handed it to the principal. This spike was an imitation of the 'Ice Shard' spell. However, it was slightly bigger than the spell as she could only create one at a time and so she made it like that.

The principal then gripped the ice which instantly shattered to pieces. He did not expect that to happen.

"The ice I mad are still not that strong... They won't break from being passed to others, but a slight pressure will create cracks." Mu Yue explained.

'Cracks? Why can't I see anything...' The ice was no longer in his hand, only shards that fell to the floor.

"Is that all you learned? Any other thing?"

"Umm, if this counts." Mu Yue then spread the ice from her feet. She then tried to create a wall. As it slowly goes up, cracks appeared which then worsened and broked the wall.

"Hmm... Do you know what Ice is? Or do you know how to create proper ice for combat?" The principal asked. What Mu Yue created was ice, but they were more suitable for cooling drinks than as a weapon.

Mu Yue shook her head. She knows that she needs more durable ice. But, the spells she used when she was in the Qi Condensation stage only explained the process of making the ice appear, rather than creating it.

"The area near your house has a pond, right?"

"Yes, there are even fishes."

"Make it your goal to stand in the middle of it, with your ice supporting your feet. Once you reach that goal, meet me again."

Since there was plenty of water, it would be easier to create the ice. Elemental spells need their own elements in the surroundings or certain requirements before being cast. Fire, lightning, and wind were the easiest, as air is everywhere while fire just needs a spark, and the spiritual energy will act as a fuel to keep it burning. Certain theories tell that the fire created from spiritual energy wasn't actually a thing, but it was closely similar to the life force of living beings.

Lightning follows the same process, however, it couldn't be explained by the scholars. All they know was that nature can create lightning. They assume that living beings who control lightning, do it similar to how nature does it.

Mu Yue then went back. Xiao Yan was still relaxing by the garden when she arrived.

"Xiao Yan, what have you been doing?"

"Just relaxing and enjoying the weather."

"You don't have anything to do?"

"You are here now so I can do you."

Xiao Yan saw Mu Yue being confused and giggled, "Nothing~, do you want to accompany me?"

"I would like to but I need to practice. I would be in the pond if you need me." Mu Yue said before she walks away.

"Don't you mean near the pond?"

The pond was now in front of Mu Yue. She then stared at her right foot and slowly made it touch the surface of the water. Before applying more force, she spread some ice. When a decent surface area was covered in ice, she then stepped. The ice broke and her feet continued, drenched in water and mud.

She kept on doing it until finally, the ice did not break. While fortifying the existing ice, she then lifted up her left foot. The moment it went up, the ice in her right foot shattered. She then fell to the pond.