Her Being

It has been several weeks, Mu Yue has finished stabilizing her cultivation. She could now cultivate normally so she tried absorbing 1 high-grade spiritual stone from her storage ring.

She then found out that absorbing them would be inefficient. She could only absorb yin, and the yang of the stone gets dispersed to the air. She quickly stopped when she realized it and only ended up using a bit of the stone.

'It's better to sell the other stones. I should also give some to Xiao Yan if she finds it useful.'

She then went out of the bedroom and found Xiao Yan relaxing in the garden.

"Hey Xiao Yan, are you able to absorb this?"

Xiao Yan turner her head to Mu Yue and saw the stone. "I should be. Why?"

"It's kinda useless to me. I tried a bit from this and found out that I don't absorb it well. I might as well give you some of what I own."

She would not give everything, maybe a quarter at first. She needs to keep some just in case she would need it. Xiao Yan has also been a huge help to her, this could be a way to reciprocate her kindness.

"Thank you but you really don't need to give me those. I'm content with the speed of my cultivation. Why not sell them instead?"

"That was my plan but I thought you would want them."

"Just sell them instead. You need to prioritize improving yourself, Mu Yue. Most of the time, cultivators need every single money they would need. Also, when absorbing the yin from the moon, can you increase your absorption rate using pills?" Xiao Yan asked.

Mu Yue shook her head. "I tried that but it does nothing. I also thought wrong about my condition. It seems that I cannot use the yin energy from the surroundings to increase my cultivation level... Thankfully, I could still absorb the yin to recover my energy."

"Hmm, then that means you will always be free at the day. That's good news for me. Do you think you can become a Core Formation Cultivator in just 3 years?"

"Maybe, I don't have anything to compare with so I'm not sure."

Now that Mu Yue can only depend on the moon's energy, she needs to make sure to cultivate whenever it's possible. The good thing was, this gives her more free time to spend however she likes. She plans to practice controlling ice first, before her sword skills. This was because she has a lot of things that could help her improve her sword skills, unlike controlling ice which was unique only to her as far as she knows.

Right now, she can only lower the temperature as well as spread the ice out of her body. It seems that she can only 'create' ice on a place that is touched by a body part. She doesn't know yet if she could do it like a spell cultivator, making spells appear out of thin air.

Another bad thing was she cannot stack 'spells'. She could only create it in one hand and possibly create another on the other hand. This was not what she wanted. She wants to use both of her professions in combat, so she plans to practice creating, high-damaging 'spells' that could be done with only one hand.

One thing she likes was that she could control the spread of the ice. This gave her some interesting ideas for her own spell creation. For example, she could spread ice from her feet, and control it to wherever direction she wants and could also make it go upwards into the air, imitating the 'Ice Wall' spell.

She now would need to meet her father to learn more about spells and ask guidance on how she could improve. Since her father knew she could have both professions, hopefully, he also has useful tips for her.

"Hey Mu Yue, the last time you drank my blood was the first. Are you sure you would be alright?" Xiao Yan asked as she was concerned when she studied the other types of beings that need blood.

Mu Yue nodded, "I'll be fine. It was just a powerup when I checked my body last time. Although you are fine with it, I don't want to hurt you... Besides, I still want to stay as a human."

Xiao Yan was human. If she wants to marry her, it is best for Mu Yue to be the same. She plans to hide the secret, and it was best to stop drinking blood as it was more delicious compared to the other delicacies she tasted. This might make her addicted, pushing her away from being human.