Sensing in the Dark

Mu Yue felt someone waking her up. She then saw Xiao Yan staring at her, both of them lying on the bed.

"Hey, Mu Yue, you are finally awake. You were trying to endure the training, right?"

"I was but it was hard..."

"Then do you want it to be easier? I can force your father to do so." Xiao Yan said, showing a concerned look.

"No need, I can handle it. It being hard means I will improve faster."

"Okay... Did you hear that old man? Take care of her."

From outside the room, Zhi Li said, "I most definitely will. Mu Yue, while you were asleep, I wrote what's going to be the schedule for our training. Read it after you had breakfast."

"Breakfast?" Mu Yue asked.

Xiao Yan then went off the bed to get a bowl of food on the table at the side. "You were asleep for a long time. I had to wake you up so you won't miss breakfast. Although cultivators seldom need to eat, you just trained until your limit so you need as many nutrients as you can absorb."

Mu Yue saw that the bowl was being covered by a plate. She had a bad feeling about it...

"Here you go. Mixed ingredients soup, specially created for people in hard training."

Mu Yue hoped that it taste good however, bitterness was what she tasted.

"Hope you like it, Mu Yue~ You will have to eat every day you know."


"E-VE-RY-DAY" Xiao Yan said with a smile.

Zhi Li heard and he quickly bids his goodbye, "I don't have any more business here. Make sure to meet me later at noon, Mu Yue. I'm off!"

Xiao Yan then asked, "How do you feel, Mu Yue? You went to your limit... are you in thirst of blood?"

"No, but should I try drinking beasts' blood? That way I can store some blood when I'm alone."

"Sure! Hmm... let's do a bird beast. Then you should try the other types, and see the differences..."

All of these would be magical beasts. Since the blood provides energy, Xiao Yan thought it would be normal that the blood needs to be from a stronger beast that is at least of equal level to Mu Yue.

"How does it taste Mu Yue?"

"Feels up my thirst, but it does not have a taste that is decent nor bad. Yours is better."

"Good to know. I'll prepare the others then."

The beasts' blood provides enough energy for Mu Yue however, it does not make her stronger, like giving a temporary boost.

"Mu Yue, the carcasses of beasts, unless they have valuable parts, are normally cheap. This means that you will have an easier time getting blood from a stronger beast. I will ask someone to get some blood, I'll prepare them before the time you would need to go."

"Thank you."

After spending time with Xiao Yan, Mu Yue went to the office of her father. However, no one was there except an assistant.

"If you are looking for your father, he requested me to tell you that he as at the building you visited yesterday. He will be waiting at PM-03 room."

"Thank you, mister."

"Your welcome."

Mu Yue then heads towards that building. She knocked at the door of PM-03 and heard her father allowing her to go in.

She opened the door and entered. She saw her father but then the lights went out as soon as the door closed.

"As a cultivator, we fight all day and all night. In your case, you would prefer to fight at night when the moon is out in the sky. There might be some moonlight shining the environment, however, there are times that there is completely no visibility."

While listening, Mu Yue felt something coming towards her. Before she can act, she was hit by it that slammed her to the door.

"It seems that you sensed something, yet didn't know if you should follow that feeling. This is good! This means you have some talent for this."

"Agh... talent about what father?" Mu Yue asked.

"Being able to sense the attacks coming towards you. Our goal for today is to train you to react to unexpected threats. One example is it being so dark that your eyes are useless. Either you spread your spiritual energy to sense people, or train a certain skill to enhance your eyes which would be available only to Core Formation Cultivators."

"I understand. I am prepared."

Zhi Li grinned in the shadows. "You better be! This will not be easy."